Y’all are weird for not being obsessed with women anymore.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Why do they hate nonchalant men so much?

We supposed to be high cortisol acting all the time? This is why Black men die early from hypertension

They want black men to be some super extroverted clout demon type shyt 24/7. Party animal and swagged out socialite with money out the ass.


Nov 21, 2016
bruh she’s talking about men in general and the reduction of persistence we have to courting and even approaching

You da only one in this thread & from the Twitter thread talm bout relationships

y’all be tryna make shyt more than it is :mjlol:

Do I need a consensus? A lot of y'all overthink, it's more simpler than you think it is.


Mar 19, 2017
MEN & WOMAN are biologically wired to "obsess" over each other, thats life and millions of years of instincts to procreate humans.

However usually after teenage years most reasonable adults learn to control urges and realize their just urges. If we all acted on urges we wouldn't have a socety or anything besides war, death and destruction.

I think what she is tying to say is men aren't checking for here like they used to.

But looking at the bigger picture after a generation grwoing up with high speed porn, social media, only fans, a decade of a womans moment and prodemently male spaces being invaded by females, its not wonder why young men just dont have any interest in woman like they used to.

The last decade allowed woman to dictate the dating game its just swinging back to men.

The big problem most of these young people have is they have no life outside of dating/sex so they cant fathem someone not taking dating seriously.
Pretty much hit the nail on the head. Most people in this day are so consumed with living a life in social media that they don't know how really strive in real life. It's crazy talking to women and they can't hold an actual conversation about stuff other than pop culture. But I've also seen brehs that are so confident on social media but freeze up in the presence of a woman in real life.

hood b. goode

Oct 22, 2012
ProSports: NOLA. College: UMich. Europe: Arsenal
Men are just as obsessed as they have ever been. The general population just lacks social skills. Women who think otherwise are delusional. The whole manosphere is thousands of hours of talking about women.
i actually think this is a fair statement :manny:

This is just a mariket correct. Beautiful women say they don't get approach. Men say they don't care about women. Both sides are lying. The truth is they sometimes things are slow and both sides are waiting for business to pick back up again

You're right to a certain extent but redpill content is popping right now so it's more those specific content creators trying to capitalise on its popularity i.e. just jumping on the trending topic and oversaturaring the market with it.

However that way of thinking is becoming engrained in young men though and eventually it will become their reality and they will stop talking about women and just start ignoring them.

but your right it's when men stop talking about it constantly that I would be worried as a woman.

Yep. Japan is a good example of that. Marriage and birthrate on its way to zero because indirect hobbies (gaming, etc) + porn have replaced women entirely. Thats what "not caring" looks like. The complete and total break down of the dating market.:sadcam:

Now women can't get married ,and dating coaches cant get any clients. men are completely uninterested.


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
Breh you need to leave that bullshyt echo chamber. The fukked part is that men are being tricked by the red pill content creators that profit from the content.
The redpill makes men more insufferable.
You can’t blame all this on red pill creators
We can go all the way back to the black men ain’t shyt movement of the 80s up until this current generation
I don’t know why it’s so hard for some of you to acknowledge this Petri dish of hate that’s been brewing for years against men
Women constantly get on social media saying they hate men
Men have been told(especially black men) that they aren’t needed to raise healthy families because “momma can do bad by herself”
Women are telling blue collar working men that you might as well self delete yourself because you not getting any parts of the p*ssy in a long term relationship
The most you gon get is a situationship
Women are reveling in having higher body counts than men
Drinking, smoking and doing drugs into a coma
We are seeing the full realization of radical feminist ideals in real time
I’m not red/blue/black or whatever pill
I’m a nikka that’s been through some shyt
Even though I’ve healed and still on a journey
I’m not going to sit here and pretend for these young nikkas
Nor pull punches because I may be perceived as hating women
When you get older you are suppose to pass knowledge down to young men
Not hold it in and watch them get destroyed out in these streets by women some of y’all still think shyt out rainbows and stars
That’s what your uncle does
That’s what your pop pop does
That’s what your father does
Tell you the real from both sides in hopes you make the right decisions going forward
I truly don’t understand why some of you love being in this illusion of women being weak and not capable
They use that shyt to their advantage everyday to the dismay of men
Sure this topic has reached ad nauseam levels of everyday bickering with no solutions
Just clout chasing and notoriety from men/women online
But this shyt has bled into the real world(hell been in the real world for decades)
It’s just the voices are louder and free because of the reach of the internet
You a whole ass lie if you’ve never heard this rhetoric outside this screen
I’ve heard it at family functions, church houses, dinner dates
You name it from women
Now it’s a problem men are raising their voices back and standing up for themselves
Now it’s dangerous
Where was this dangerous rhetoric when that bullshyt Color Purple was out in the ether
Waiting to Exhale and every Tyler Perry Movie
Where was this rhetoric is dangerous when Oprah dog head ass made millions off of it
So stop with the bullshyt my guy(respectfully)
They took what was once a valiant effort to bring awareness to women being harmed at work and in Hollywood
To some perverted version of justice but now hate the climate and outcome they created
For the idiots in the back before you respond
I’m all for women feeling safe in public, at home and in the streets
I have two women in my own household I worry about
Now that’s covered
Once you regulate all men are evil and use generalizing language daily
This is the result
Good men don’t know where they fit anymore
They don’t want to be accused of harassing a woman
Tenacity will get yo ass fukked up out here
They overthink first dates now because having coffee, fun or Apple Bees ain’t enough
And if they do succeed meeting a decent woman
She may not even be healed from a past situation or any of her demons
Men are seeing this all out in the open and saying fukk that
Let me just buy some p*ssy and keep it moving without the headache


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
i actually think this is a fair statement :manny:

This is just a mariket correct. Beautiful women say they don't get approach. Men say they don't care about women. Both sides are lying. The truth is they sometimes things are slow and both sides are waiting for business to pick back up again

Yep. Japan is a good example of that. Marriage and birthrate on its way to zero because indirect hobbies (gaming, etc) + porn have replaced women entirely. Thats what "not caring" looks like. The complete and total break down of the dating market.:sadcam:

Now women can't get married ,and dating coaches cant get any clients. men are completely uninterested.

I mean yeah that's japan.... BUT black men here in america is still going other places to find women. we gonna be aight...:mjlol: IDK bout the rest of society tho..:manny: The women and alot of the marriage and divorce laws need changing seriously...
May 1, 2012
The social media age has been a blessing and a curse for women.

It allowed the average woman to get more attention than what she would ever get pre-social media. This of course gives women an ego and validation boosts. 4's and 5's now feel like 10's because thirsty simps will like anything and everything they post on IG or thirst on dating apps.

However simps started realizing after a half a decade that they're doing all this simping but not getting anything out of the deal and are thinking "How come I dm her and like her pics but she leaves me on read, give me a one word answer or won't agree to a date? :dahell: "

At the same time social media has caused women to become even more narcissistic. You now have average women making videos gloating and bragging how they've USED MEN whether to gain access to something, as placeholders, clean up men, clout, money etc. Something that the simps didn't know existed, were in denial of or didn't think women were capable of.

This has now resulted in the creation of the MAINSTREAM version of the manosphere/redpill. Who use the narcissistic women who brag about using men as evidence to men and simps to put THEMSELVES FIRST no matter how attractive the woman is and to have the mindset that "YOU are the PRIZE NOT her".


Y'all saw how big Kevin Samuels and Andrew Tate got. 2023 will have even bigger and more mainstream versions of them.


Your broad loves me.....
May 19, 2012
Harlem, NYC
You can’t blame all this on red pill creators
We can go all the way back to the black men ain’t shyt movement of the 80s up until this current generation
I don’t know why it’s so hard for some of you to acknowledge this Petri dish of hate that’s been brewing for years against men
Women constantly get on social media saying they hate men
Men have been told(especially black men) that they aren’t needed to raise healthy families because “momma can do bad by herself”
Women are telling blue collar working men that you might as well self delete yourself because you not getting any parts of the p*ssy in a long term relationship
The most you gon get is a situationship
Women are reveling in having higher body counts than men
Drinking, smoking and doing drugs into a coma
We are seeing the full realization of radical feminist ideals in real time
I’m not red/blue/black or whatever pill
I’m a nikka that’s been through some shyt
Even though I’ve healed and still on a journey
I’m not going to sit here and pretend for these young nikkas
Nor pull punches because I may be perceived as hating women
When you get older you are suppose to pass knowledge down to young men
Not hold it in and watch them get destroyed out in these streets by women some of y’all still think shyt out rainbows and stars
That’s what your uncle does
That’s what your pop pop does
That’s what your father does
Tell you the real from both sides in hopes you make the right decisions going forward
I truly don’t understand why some of you love being in this illusion of women being weak and not capable
They use that shyt to their advantage everyday to the dismay of men
Sure this topic has reached ad nauseam levels of everyday bickering with no solutions
Just clout chasing and notoriety from men/women online
But this shyt has bled into the real world(hell been in the real world for decades)
It’s just the voices are louder and free because of the reach of the internet
You a whole ass lie if you’ve never heard this rhetoric outside this screen
I’ve heard it at family functions, church houses, dinner dates
You name it from women
Now it’s a problem men are raising their voices back and standing up for themselves
Now it’s dangerous
Where was this dangerous rhetoric when that bullshyt Color Purple was out in the ether
Waiting to Exhale and every Tyler Perry Movie
Where was this rhetoric is dangerous when Oprah dog head ass made millions off of it
So stop with the bullshyt my guy(respectfully)
They took what was once a valiant effort to bring awareness to women being harmed at work and in Hollywood
To some perverted version of justice but now hate the climate and outcome they created
For the idiots in the back before you respond
I’m all for women feeling safe in public, at home and in the streets
I have two women in my own household I worry about
Now that’s covered
Once you regulate all men are evil and use generalizing language daily
This is the result
Good men don’t know where they fit anymore
They don’t want to be accused of harassing a woman
Tenacity will get yo ass fukked up out here
They overthink first dates now because having coffee, fun or Apple Bees ain’t enough
And if they do succeed meeting a decent woman
She may not even be healed from a past situation or any of her demons
Men are seeing this all out in the open and saying fukk that
Let me just buy some p*ssy and keep it moving without the headache
If I could dap this shyt 5 times I would!!!


Mar 11, 2022
Women don’t exist in the higher realms, they are an exclusive creation of this sub reality to strictly facilitate the production of vessels to house souls within.

Unfortunately, theyve been co-opted and repurposed to collaborate in destroying the family structure, further weaken and degenerate society and help sustain this fake debt-consumer based economy with their fake jobs to allow the transition of a new system that will ultimately redefine what it means to be human.
Women are just objects, things on the planet that are here to pop out more objects and have no meaning or worth outside of that 🤔

Mmhmm mmmhmm

We don’t “exist” in higher realms so what? We’re soulless physical creatures walking the earth?
Or are you astutely stating that gender isn’t actually a thing when we transition to the other side?


May 19, 2013
Women are just objects, things on the planet that are here to pop out more objects and have no meaning or worth outside of that 🤔

Mmhmm mmmhmm

We don’t “exist” in higher realms so what? We’re soulless physical creatures walking the earth?
Or are you astutely stating that gender isn’t actually a thing when we transition to the other side?

:russ:Sometimes you have to scroll past mental illness.
YOu never knwo who's behind these characters. I struggle with this myself when I log on. It's like lifting weights, you get better at it.