Yea he was better than Elway, give him Terrell Davis, Rod Smith, and a top 5 D, he wins 2-3 Superbowls
He, Aaron Rodgers and Dan Marino are the three greatest throwers of the football to ever play in the NFL. \
His power and accuracy combo was ridiculous.
Warren, is that you? lol
No he was NOT better then Elway
And take away TD, Smith, Top 5 D? How about we remove his right arm as well? So your saying TD and Smith made Elway? Let me guess Ed McCaffrey made Elway as well? You sure Elway didn't make Smith & McCaffrey? TD was a beast but lets not forget Gary and Anderson in that same system. I think you aren't giving Elway enough credit for helping out those WR's and RBs
Power and
accuracy? Moon def had arm strength, but not many will say he was an accurate passer. His carrerr comp% is lower then Bree's worst season as a full starter.. He barely even cracked 60% when Brees, Young, Aikmen are in the mid/high 60s, some 70s,
Again not hating on Moon, one of the finest class acts in NFL history and dude had an arm, but lets chill with the better then Brees and Elway talk