killzone and knack looks killer to mei agree on the point of no killer games at launch
killzone and knack looks killer to mei agree on the point of no killer games at launch
Forza 5 is killer game for me.
I worded that wrong. Not enough games. Killzone is the only one I'm interested inkillzone and knack looks killer to me
this is so silly the console has a 10 year life cycle who cares if there's no killer games on launch (something debatable) ... this shyt is a marathon homie. This current gen had the same issue and that wasn't a problem.. people act like time stops ticking. Also the cloud??? shyt hasn't been used yet.Time for the Daily fukkery lol
Don't careno weather and no night driving still??
Don't care
easily impressed breh breh??
or you just throw that killer game title around w/ little justification often.......
easily impressed breh breh??
or you just throw that killer game title around w/ little justification often.......
Forza has been the premier racing sim on consoles for years now, and it's has never had weather or nighttime effects. It would be nice to have them, but not a deal breaker for fans.
These gifs
premier and killer.
I'm just saying those are interesting opinions for a racing games that is missing NATURAL effects.
call of duty without blood
2k14 without sweat
might not be deal breakers for the hard core but certainly not premier and killer game worthy...... just sayin......
A 10 million seller and the best rated racing game for 8 years now is about as premier or killer you can get.
And in reality people don't race Bugatti's at night in the rain, so adding those effects would be a bit "unnatural"
forza is all about racing bugatti's in perfect conditions?
ok i got it now....