I do my best to buy games new to support the industry but this however is just ignorance. buying the game twice just to play it on your friends console..... uhhh pretty much defeats the purpose of physical media.
Now, new statements from another Sony executive have thrown Yoshida's supposed assurances into question. When NowGamer asked PlayStation UK Managing Director Fergal Gara to confirm reports of Yoshida's earlier "used games are OK" statements, his answer was a bit less than reassuring for potential PS4 buyers.
'Well, first of all, we haven't stated that second-hand games... we haven’t made a statement on the second-hand games question," Gara said. "The answer to the pre-owned question isn’t clarified just yet and we’re working through that and we’ll announce our position in more detail as and when we can."
lol @ the "sony will do the same thing" statements when they already said otherwise
We know there is some confusion around used games on Xbox One and wanted to provide a bit of clarification on exactly what we’ve confirmed today. While there have been many potential scenarios discussed, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail.
Beyond that, we have not confirmed any specific scenarios.
Another piece of clarification around playing games at a friend’s house – should you choose to play your game at your friend’s house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile.
Sony said they will supposedly leave it up to the publishers themselves. You honestly think EA for example, won't have any measures put in place for the PS4 version of Battlefield 4 to prevent us from playing a used copy knowing full well there's a used game paywall on the Xbox One version?
GameStop still sells new games and systems. Of course they would still be excited. Plus that's PR talk, what else were they supposed to say?
but some one that has a poor internet connection could go this route if the game is out of stock. Buying a code that unlocks the used game would be a decent choice compared to not being able to be played at all I guess.
the price of the used discs at some point will adjust to this. I know when I sell games on eBay I adjust my sell price if I used the online pass.
Maybe they will do like Sony does with their digital games and have them at a slight discount price online.
uploading your entire game to the cloud huh...you sure? waiting for the game to download at friend's house and activating under your profile before yall can play sounds like overkill.
that's a whole lot to go through for some DRM shyt. But the rumors ended up being true so
the plan is for you to never have to carry around your disc never, disc are basically a source to download the game quicker. Even when you go to your friends house you just go online and log under your profile.
disc only useful to sell your games basically, when you sell your game you lose your rights in the cloud.
I'm almost 100% positive we will be able to sell our games to friends online on the xbox.
EA must be paying a lot of cash to try and make both consoles fukk used games.
1) They never mentioned this at all yet. People were talking about letting friends borrow games or going over to their homes to play it. I can understand "authenticating" your game at a friends house to play, but even then that person has to have internet and you have to wait for it to download from the "cloud" to play in this scenario. MS mentioned NONE Of this. To me it was go over to a friend's spot with the game, have it download to their box, you have to authenticate the copy, and then yall play
MS actually did mention this, you have to use YOUR account at your friends house to download from the cloud. that is the only way your games will be playable on other systems for free. Basically like Downloadable games
2) If you don't need the disc anymore after you install it to the HD, of course I'd sell my disc copy then. They didn't say you need to have the disc in the system to verify it before playing off the hard drive. They need to clarify this as well.
Your disc copy isn't worth anything without your authentication rights, once you sell your disc to gamestop they will unlink your rights from your xbl account and accept the disc. Basically it's going to be online pass 2.0 for publishers they will get a cut of this
3) The selling of the game online to someone else sounds real shady. I could see them having you sell your rights to another person, but the bulk of that purchase money goes back to the publisher. They aint foolin no one. It's a ploy for the publishers to get the used game revenue instead of Gamestop and other resellers. MS/Publisher will set the "price" of the activation exchange. One big hustle.
This is why MS will have to create their own online store for sharing and selling digital games. I'm 100% positive that is part of there plans and will be discussed at e3. i would never buy a used game from someone on the street basically. The question is how will Microsoft maintain this store? can't wait hopefully it's the future of gaming.