So yall dont know how to unplug devices...
yall make a big deal out of it to me its nothing
you can't unplug the kinect and play the xbone
So yall dont know how to unplug devices...
yall make a big deal out of it to me its nothing
No flip needed, for one your info is incorrect. You don't need a cable box how your saying it. To use cable features you need to have cable, that is true. To have cable you need what? A cable box. You don't need to have a cable box next to your xbox to use its cable features. All that is done wirelessly. If that has changed, no biggie, but its not likely since the 360 didn't need a cable box to run cable. Fanboys will spin that anyway they see fit, nonbiased individuals will move on to the next topic. The reason I say no biggie is because I saw a guy say "Xbox, ESPN" and the TV turned to ESPN instantly. Then "GAME" and it went back to the game instantly. I'd pay $100 for a device that does that right now w/out the everything elseWait wait wait,
So you can't straight up watch tv with the Xbox one?
You need a cable box from an actual cable provider?
fukk is the point? So you don't have to reach over to your remote & press the source/input button?
You gotta be fukking kidding me
@PS4 come flip this into something positive so I can get a quick laugh breh
No is correct, its made up lies. Ask him to show you where they said you couldn't watch netflix if you had too many people in the room.
Its silly for you to compare the advancements of future set-top-boxes compared to the Xbox One and what it will bring to the table You clearly just don't get it. You will thoughWii u already has this. It's kinda silly really. Although we do the same here when shows are on, comment and such while it's goin on it uses Facebook or Twitter or your live acct.
It will have programmable codes for the set top box as well as the tv so you can change the input from the single device.
It is silly though especially with all the advances coming from the cable providers to their set tops.
Its EXACTLY like that. Now your starting to get it. But it'll be even more than that. If you didn't see it, go watch the Xbox Reveal. They talk about this and how it can and will apply to things like presidential debates/etc. The thing is, they already do this via XBL today. But only for things like presidental debates and who you think will win in sports (NBA,NFL,NHL,UFC) but now instead of having to go into apps to vote, it'll be seamless Welcome to the future!!!Twitter connectivity sounds kinda dope, I remember some g4 shows had a little stream at the bottom of the screen with tweets & shyt
If its like that then
you can't unplug the kinect and play the xbone
So yall dont know how to unplug devices...
Dude, educate yourself about the X-Box One please.
Dude, educate yourself about the X-Box One please.
Its silly for you to compare the advancements of future set-top-boxes compared to the Xbox One and what it will bring to the table You clearly just don't get it. You will though
So yall dont know how to unplug devices...
yall make a big deal out of it to me its nothing
Naw, works like smart tvs and google tv where you can basically control the cable box THROUGH the xbox one homie. Its silly but many smart tvs do this now. and google tv does this as well. thats why the xbox one prolly has a hdmi input.Basically your Xbone would need another cable box if you want to watch some TV through it. It just connects to your existing cable box and organize the content into its fancy looking guide.
Basically these dude make you pay a subscription to access your own internet( netflixs, hulu, youtube, etc) through your 360. Now they want you to pay a subscription ( Live paywall) to access your television channels.
How much data you think they'd be using to record everything 10's of millions of gamers are doing 24/7? HOw much of our own bandwidth would that require? You sure the xbox isn't created to "listen" for a turn on word instead of intelligently understanding every word that is said period. Siri don't even understand every word. The truth is you are scared of Technology period. And the shyt you worried about can and would happen via a cellphone before it would happen on a damn console. Cell phone it tied to YOU, a console can have anybody. Who has a first/last name as there gamertag? If I wanted to be stealth, my gamertag would be NinjaPleaseColi, I can create an account in 2mins. The police gonna look up my cell, or NinjaPleaseColi? I answered your question now, if you choose to go full retard? Having temper tantrums doesn't make my points less validyou're going to get up and unplug your xbox every time you're not using it?
i mean if you don't care about a foreign device listening and recording everything around you, then it isn't a big deal. to people like me that want as much privacy as possible, this is a scary tool. i figure two things will eventually happen. recorded information by kinect will be used by the government or it'll be compromised by hackers. but say i'm just overly paranoid, kinect will still be used to help microsoft sell you targeted products.
ROFL I did a double take for real. with that said I do dig the new look breh mainly because as a audiophile it looks like a reg piece of gearMore pics of the Xbox One.
How much data you think they'd be using to record everything 10's of millions of gamers are doing 24/7? HOw much of our own bandwidth would that require? You sure the xbox isn't created to "listen" for a turn on word instead of intelligently understanding every word that is said period. Siri don't even understand every word. The truth is you are scared of Technology period. And the shyt you worried about can and would happen via a cellphone before it would happen on a damn console. Cell phone it tied to YOU, a console can have anybody. Who has a first/last name as there gamertag? If I wanted to be stealth, my gamertag would be NinjaPleaseColi, I can create an account in 2mins. The police gonna look up my cell, or NinjaPleaseColi? I answered your question now, if you choose to go full retard? Having temper tantrums doesn't make my points less valid