Yeah, this was a mixed bad of an announcement. Some truly wonderful advancements were made as well as some concerning ones. I was at work and missed the entire presentation. But based on my assessment it seems that M$ is greally trying to revolutionize the concept of the moden video game console here. The idea of integrating the cable box and the console into one seamless unit is something that many companies have been trying to do, but M$ seems to be the only company with the sophisticated know how to pull this off.
Lets be honest here, only M$ could pull off something as technically sophisticated as this. The ability to bring console gaming into the world of social media is a very compelling one in my humble opinion. I mean, now you can pull off a cool stunt, then immediately share it with friends. Who could be mad at that? :kanyeshrug:
Now I am truly concerned about the kinect always being on, but this isn't a deal breaker in my opinion. I do however feel its an uncessary addition to an otherwise stellar package. Hopefully some one will knock some sense into those fukks before launch and have that requirement waived. But when it comes to multiplayer goodness, NO system will fukk with the xbox moving foward. But I find it highly ironic that the same numbskulls constantly crying about the Kinect camera being some sort of way that M$ is trying to somehow take pictures of your dumb ass in your living room as the same idiot waving their fukking Android phones in the air, reguarly keeping Google informed of all their email contents, text messages, geo location, facebook friends, complete schedules, etc. Its the fukking height of hypocrisy!
But at the end of the day I could give a flying fukk who wins this years console race because I'm long AMD....
Game on brethren, game on....