Ok but I am not. Jean Gray was also in my list right

. Angel too ..
I think you are confusing the comics with the movies.
Wolverine never was this "main man" in the X-men and especially not during the early days which the films are largely drawn from.
Wolverine was an anti-hero, the bruiser and an outsider (again) especially in the earlier comics.
Yes he was popular and that popularity as an anti-hero meant that he got his own mini-series but that was also a function of the times. Comic companies were just starting to commercially exploit mini-series, special editions and multiple x-teams.
This is the cover of the greatest X-men story to date and the end to a multi-year saga. No wolverine in sight.
This is how the story climaxed. Scott and Jean given that extra respect as ORIGINAL X-men.
Meanwhile Wolverine was already removed from the battle and was off sleeping in a crater somewhere.
And even after Jean and Cyclops left Storm became the biggest narrative focus.
In fact over lets say the first 100 issues of the Uncanny X-men when did Wolverine take center-stage?
1. Wolverine Alone against the Hellfire Club - 1/2 issue.
2. Wolverine against Sabertooth with the Reavers - cross-over a few issues.
3. Wolverine against Sauron for 1.5 pages.
4. Wolverine being chased by Alpha-Flight for 2.x comics.
5. Wolverine against Wendigo - 1.5 issues.
6. Wolverine against the Brood - 1 issue.
7. Wolverine and Kitty in Japan - don't remember but only a few.
8. Old Wolverine in DOFP in the future.
That's the bulk of it. Jean and Scott had a 40 issue plus arc dedicated to them and even after Scott left they still couldn't leave him out. Then brought Madeleine Pryde in as Scott's replacement for Jean. Then they resurrected Jean. Then they gave us Rachel their daughter. Then their son.
When Magneto attacked around X-men 112 it was Cyclops who the story was told through.
When Magneto returned in X-men 150 it was Cyclops too who was the focus of that story.
Cyclops was the point man and our proxy for our insight into the villain. Storm is the one who (could have) almost killed him.
If it were the movies you could bet that this pivotal moments would have been given to wolvie. It was he after all who in the movies spoke to Magneto more than any other X-man and had more 1 on 1 fights with him. Not so in the comics!!
People who read those comics understand that Wolverine is important but we are tired of the reassessing of his relative place in the X-men based on what people have seen in the movies and/or in the cartoons.
I trust I don't have to list Jean's, Scott's and Storm's much longer story line list in detail.

Wolverine got outshone and eventually supplanted to some degree by Gambit and Bishop. No one ever replaced or supplanted Scott and Jean, because they are FAR more central to the entire X-men comic mythos.