I bet he'll get his own solo trilogy. And gets as much screen-time as Thor or Cap gets in the X-men movies.
Promise he will never be excluded entirely from a movie based on a comic he actually appeared in like Dark Phoenix. the thing about the MCU is they use all of the character. Nobody gets reduced to a cameo like Jubilee or Dazzler etc. Least amount you can expect is like War Machine.
Wolvie was never lead man in the Xmen comics.
He was pushed in the movies in that he was central to almost all of the important narratives to the expense of other characters.
For Xmen 1 and 2 that was fine I think but that was enough.
In the MCU they did the same with Iron Man - for example him creating Ultron and that meant that we ended up going with Laing,
The MCU worked in the end, they love Scott Laing so hey, people are not fussing about it.
Wolvie on the other hand.
He was not the one who should have traveled through time. In the comics that was Kitty.
He was not the one who struck the final (sort of) blow against Pheonix. That was Colossus.
There was no reason for him to be in First Class.
There was no reason for him to be in Apocalypse.
Storm was reduced to a plastic character whereas in the comics she ended up being equal to if not a more compelling character than Logan.
Same for the seldom seen Nightcrawler.
Cyclops was wasted.
Angel (big character in the comics) also wasted.
They should have scaled back on Wolverine and made the above 4 into more compelling characters.