I'm torn. On one hand I grew up on this so I wouldn't complain if it came back, but on the other hand I feel they're reviving old shyt too much these days.
I wonder if the series would take place in the 90s, or if they would timeskip to the 2010s and have all the characters 20 years older. Or just do the Simpsons thing where it's the current year but the characters stay the same age.
Maybe have a timeskip and begin the show a couple of years after the OG series ended. Bring Professor X back to catch him up on what he missed over the years.
* Beast left the group to join the Avengers (and the Avengers can have their own show set in the same universe adapting all their classic stories like the Kree Skrull War, etc. The potential crossovers

* Jubilee went off to college and only shows up in certain episodes. They could do a multi-part X-tinction Agenda adaptation that has her in it.
* Make Kitty Pryde the new fish-out-of-water POV character so they can explain what mutants are, etc. to the kids watching at home that might not be familiar with X-men.
* Have Nightcrawler officially join the group in the reboot, since he deserved more than two episodes. They can even have the original comic subplot of Kitty not liking him at first because of his appearance.
* Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Rogue, Gambit, and Wolverine are still with the X-men. Give Logan that brown costume.
* Don't change the theme song
They could cover some of the classic stories of the 80s and 90s that the cartoon never did. Maybe a heavily modified Mutant Massacre? X-cutioner's Song? Fatal Attractions?