My of the worst gaming-related moments I ever had was when I got curious and put my SmackDown! 2 game CD in my computer.....I checked some of the files on it, and one of them had an entire collection of lines from the game's season mode cutscenes
Problem was....not even half of those lines were actually IN the game
Here's the list of lines in question:
GameFAQs: WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role (PS) Cutscene Tag Lines by intrepid_soul
I played season mode for like 10 in-game years STRAIGHT.... and I NEVER saw any cutscenes about someone being taken to the hospital, someone getting a manager, choosing another opponent because the original opponent got injured, a belt being vacant, getting engaged to some chick, starring in a TV commercial, etc.
I was like

because I knew they held out on us......I understand CD's back then could only hold so much game data and shyt had to get cut out, but still.....
Instead, most of the cutscenes we got were either "(wrestler) is in the arena tonight!", "(wrestler) just attacked (wrestler) backstage" or the typical scene where someone's talking in the ring then someone else comes out to talk shyt to them
Yeah, every now and then we got Too Cool dancing and E&C's flash photography, but shyt was rare