When they lost to their name to the Panda it was a wrap

My nikka its the truth.. To this day I cant help calling it WWF. WWF comes out better, Like all 3 of the letters are constanants so it makes it easier to say... but switching the last letter to a vowel means your brain has to switch gears to vowels after the first 2 letters... and something about that just never felt right.

And i wouldnt want my brand to be referred to as entertainment.... Nah nikka this the fukkin federation right here
And funny enough, that coincided with the whole invasion thing... which also... never felt right. Before i even read OP, i can remember the exact moment i stopped watching WWE. It was already getting whack after a while.... but when i saw Diamond Dallas Page praying to a shrine of Stephanie Mcmahon with candles while chanting some buddist shyt i was like

That was it for me brehs. nikkas always knew the shyt was fake, nikkas cared little for the wrestling itself... but the characters were believable with fun stories and some crazy plottwists. it wasnt just that i grew out of it... whack writing will fukk up any good show. Look what happened to game of thrones. Just funny to see in hindsight that in 2001 basically everyone else that was watching did the same thing i did
Ive tried to come back and watch on a monday every few years to see for nostalgic purposes but its been cringe-worthy ALMOST every single time.
The sole exception was that daniel bryan run. Seeing how the crowd popped for him....all the drama surrounding his run to the championship... how the crowd would be chanting for him when he wasnt even wrestling or on camera, he really restored the feeling brehs. I was sad that he had to retire.
I mean its 2020 now, cant they stop this whole PG bullshyt? I saw bobby lashely with that pawg recently... that looked like it had potential.... like come on... SAUCY shyt. I remember when chyna insinuated jericho had a small pecker by pulling out a tiny pair of scissors and saying she gunna castrate him with em