WWE will be out of cash in 24 months

May 1, 2012
206 & 734
They need to...
  1. Hire more wrestlers. To me it seems like they have even less wrestlers on the rosters compared to just four or even three years ago. CHECK
  2. They need to actually have better wrestling. CHECK
  3. Actually take the women's division seriously like TNA does. By doing so they'll get a new fan base. CHECK
  4. Develop your minority wrestlers like TNA does instead of making them walking stereotypes. By developing them you'll get an even bigger fan base. FAIL other than new day and maybe cruiserweights...
  5. IMO they need more than one title back CHECK
  6. Fix the tag team division. PLEASE! CHECK
  7. IMO they need to bring brand extensions back and go back to having general mangers. By doing so one star wouldn't overshadow another. Also have each brand have something unique about them. What the hell is the difference between Raw and SD these days? CHECK
  8. Build MORE and better heels. 1. There seems to be a lack of quality heels besides Seth and Brock(though Brock seems to be semi-Heel). But more importantly have heels does people DESPISE. i.e JBL 2004/5 or HHH 2002/5. Again DESPISE. And I don't mean these CM Punk or Bray Wyatt types of heels. TBD
  9. Make faces ACTUALLY have odds stacked against them. And no I'm not freaking talking about 3 on 1 handicap matches. I'm talking the shyt Vince or Eric Bishop use to do to their enemies. The hell they would put through. The hell Vince put Michaels and others through. ARGUABLE
  10. This goes back to #7, build more than one star, which is why bringing back brand extension is important to me. CHECK
  11. Sell WWE studios like someone said. FAIL
  12. ACTUALLY promote WWE Network and I mean on stations that WWE does not come on!!!!!!!! FAIL
This is all just my opinion.

Good perspective...the did most of this stuff...how do you like the current product?


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012
I mean it wasnt because of the product that they survived, it was other things like cutting costs. Them attendance numbers and ratings are what they are. But yeah Cokeboy gon always figure it out eventually