WWE Universe turning their back on the Rock at the presser

Jesus H. Christ

I died for your sins
May 3, 2012
Also notice the fanbase isn't talking about Vince as much? That was probably the plan from the jump. New owner comes in and takes eyes off the old stuff.
Those Vince allegations aren't going any where. If more comes out, you better believe the entire IWC and non wrestling fans are going to be on his ass. The rock can pivot his story line but not the Vince allegations.
Except that is exactly what happened. Like someone else said nobody has explained or will explain why Cody said not at Wrestlemania.

Giving way too much credit to the Rock and WWE.

As I said Rock's narcissistic delusion combined with his buddies at TKO thought fans would care more about Rock coming in for the super match against Roman.

Credit to the Rock and everyone involved finding a way to fix this and pivoting into an entertaining scenario. The Rock has always been better as a heel and he's got no choice but to lean into it.

Rock will find a way to be face again and turn on Roman before the end of the run.

Good opportunity to create some of that NWO magic, won't have the same impact Hogan turning heel did but it's been the most interesting wrestling has been in years and it's because of the Rock but I ain't gonna sit here and act like he was some super genius who saw it all from the beginning gtfo lmao
This is so true. I laugh at all these supposedly non marks trying to shyt on wrestling fans for being "worked". The entire thing was a shoot that went massively wrong.

Rock is not just a wrestling name on a card. That's a corporate brand name and he's going to protect that brand no matter what. He had no choice but to turn heel but make no mistake that he would have liked being the babyface.

Just imagine going around calling yourself the people's champ when you're supposedly a babyface and getting booed at WM. DJ cares too much of optics. I'm glad everyone pivoted.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Those Vince allegations aren't going any where. If more comes out, you better believe the entire IWC and non wrestling fans are going to be on his ass. The rock can pivot his story line but not the Vince allegations.

This is so true. I laugh at all these supposedly non marks trying to shyt on wrestling fans for being "worked". The entire thing was a shoot that went massively wrong.

Rock is not just a wrestling name on a card. That's a corporate brand name and he's going to protect that brand no matter what. He had no choice but to turn heel but make no mistake that he would have liked being the babyface.

Just imagine going around calling yourself the people's champ when you're supposedly a babyface and getting booed at WM. DJ cares too much of optics. I'm glad everyone pivoted.
Happened way before he was face..two years str8..lol. This ain't Maven...wtf.