My predictions were way the fukk off, lol. Paige winning, I don't mind, and am a bit happy that it did so that the feud with AJ can keep going on.
Everything else, whew! Cesaro keeps losing, Ziggler winning shocked me, and because I was still confused about that flag match, I was a bit cautious about picking Swagger. I figured that if it was an actual capture the flag match, you would have had Swaggs win here, but have Rusev win the blowoff next month at NOC.
And I don't mind Rollins winning as well, because it has to mean that Ambrose wins next month, too. God, I so want this to culminate in a Cell at HIAC, you have no idea!
Pleasantly glad that Steph won, and with the Nikki heel turn to boot! Expect Brie vs. Nikki at NOC for sure.
Reigns, as expected, prevailed. I just hope it was a good match. Will have to see when he'll eventually face HHH.
And praise the Lord, Brock won! With how one-sided that ass-whooping apparently looked, you gotta expect a more competitive rematch at NOC, but I'm just glad they didn't do the dumb thing and have Cena win after they gave Brock Taker's streak.
And I want to see Brock hold the title till WrestleMania. To give him this big of a monster push (part-time schedule, beating HHH, beating CM Punk, ending The Streak, and now beating Cena) that having him drop it after one month would be completely and utterly retarded. Brock MUST be champion till Mania, making the moment where he is finally toppled that more memorable for whoever dethrones him (Some say Roman Reigns, whereas I personally want Daniel Bryan. But that's another topic for another day.
But all in all, I'm glad I was wrong on some picks. Part of enjoying a PPV is the unpredictably factor. If it's too predictable, you could wind up with something like WrestleMania 29, lol.