The Very European Guy (
Antonio Cesaro) will beat Tino for the U.S. strap.
PTP will win the copper pennies after some black-on-black crime.
Mysterio loses by a hair,
Miz retains the IC title.
Sheamus over ADR. Ideally, Sheamus gets destroyed by
Wade Barrett and Ziggler cashes in after turning face during or AFTER the Jericho match.
Kane over Daniel Bryan. Don't even ask me's hard to call but it has to happen. Maybe Orton gets involved? More than likely...
AJ gets involved.
Ziggler & Jericho have a classic (barring any extensive restholds from Ziggler). Hopefully it's fast-paced and Jericho comes close to winning.
Ziggler edges Y2J out for the win. I'm hoping that at some point during or after the match, Ziggler ditches Vickie and get applauded at the end by Jericho...putting him over as a face or at least showing respect...
Who knows?
Cena-Punk-Show...hardest match to call.
Whoever wins is going to pin or submit The Big Show...
Ummm...I'll say that Cena AA's Show and then
CM Punk does something to swerve hard on Cena and get the victory from Cena's work. I expect plenty of fukkery in this one...but
Punk comes out on top. fukk it.
Brock beats the
shyt out of Triple H for most of the match. At some point, Triple H starts to show the slightest signs of life and then gets swerved on by HBK.
Brock destroys HHH for the finish. fukkery galore.