-Congrats on Santino finally dropping the title, and showing off his mat skills in the process. A good feud can come from this...
-Funny, I remember saying Jericho should take the sympathy send off after the loss not Cripp-...getting ahead of myself. Jericho gets the win, will return when Zig is champ like "Hey, remember me, the guy who couldn't win the big one

" Crowd loved it so
-DB getting the win against Kane. Folks, Kane hasn't been in an interesting match all year, DB just gave him one that didn't mean much from the outset. THAT is how good he is. Did I mention the fans loved him?
-Batman's Mexican equivalent, Fatman takes that expected L. Cool lil short match/
-Sheamus and Del Rio rougher than usual, which it needed, ended in controversy, leg on the rope thing pulled AGAIN. Really, how untrained are the 'E refs?
-Black on Black Crime...KOBE BRYANT CHANTS
-Punk retains, felt really short, main event must have something bananas planned (BOY was I wrong). Cena-Punk NoC rematch, now in Cena's homecourt, positions have been reversed...
-Oh wow, this motherfukker tries to do the sympathy send off for himself...selfish egotistical overrated...you know what, the crowd told the story by no selling that bullshyt with YOU TAPPED OUT and a chorus of BOOS. Sit yo sorry ass down clown, nobody wants to see your Sloooooooooooow ass matches anymore.
At least it was better than No Way Out