-Nobody's above WHAT? chants, not Heyman, not Taker.
-A fan jumps the stands lol
-I like Punk and DB's little interactions tonight too bad they're gonna be scapegoats despite no build in their feud
-DB is over, I'm happy for dude
-Santino reminds me of Dan from Street Fighter
-Layla gets NO reaction, not pops or heat. Yikes
-Big Show, meh.
at Ace becoming a typical heel GM now. I chuckled a lil when he fired him after begging for his job anyway.
-Don't care about the 4-Way tbh
-Cena is easily the corniest wrestler alive. Easily. Punk hasn't even been close to this bad since he turned face.
-Cena has been getting more pops than boos lately.
good job WWE on rehabbing his image little by little.
at Cena/Ace as a main event in 2012. Low buyrates are guaranteed at this point. Man, fukk this company.