God damn this looks bad, TNA is a running joke on the entire internet but I guarantee this isn't as good as their last PPV.
even scott keith disagrees with you,.......
tna is the best thing schmoking right now,.......
plus after that horrific paint by the numbers, xpac/tori/kane angle and match.
they just ruined punk/beautiful bryan feud with,....i don't see wwe having a good enough alternative storyline wise to rival tna's higher quality.
only reason to wach raw is to see how they can salvage aj/punk/bryan.
after they made it worse in quality than kane/tori/xpac,....
i can't believe they ruined the best conceptual ppv poster, in their history.
plus a great cliffhanger love squared circle style love triangle in one fell swoop.
just awful wack in your house style ppv booking, of the lowest and worst quality.
the wwe just completely dropped the ball and its saving grace in one night.
total clusterphuck,...of mistakes with this ppv.
art barr