They need to consider taking extended time off and I'm talking everyone from management to creative to agents to wrestlers to catering, everyone.
Send everyone home, give them a paid 90 day vacation except for the folks at the development center working on they're craft. Wrestlers on the main roster can voluntarily join to work on they're characters, craft also to be ready before the vacation ends.
Think of it as training camp or something.
After that? Hit the reset button and start from scratch with a new attitude, purpose. New presentation, new logos, belts, etc.
Then get to the endeavors stage and determine who should stay or go as there's too many wrestlers on the roster. It's even more crowded that they're not doing the brand split anymore.
Grant wrestlers full creative control of they're characters if they want to. If it doesn't get over, send them over to the creative team.
Downsize to smaller venues outside of wrestling towns such as NY, Chi, Philly etc.
Cut back on all the ppvs and traveling schedule to make lessen the wear and tear.
Throw the universal title in the bushes. It's irrevelant and 2nd rate.
Lastly, keep the McMahons off tv and don't rehash any more authority angles.