Francis White
i been away to long, my feeling died.
Big match John is a superstar. Roman is a ratings killer.
Big match John is a superstar. Roman is a ratings killer.
I wouldn’t dare watch wrestling around my friendsI remember when I could come up with reason why WWE ain’t fell off, I can’t even do that anymore, I refuse to convince my friends to watch this shyt, if I do it’ll be some Attitude/Ruthless Aggression era WWE.
Ok but who on the current roster DOES have the it factor?This is all on Seth and Roman. Both were over pushed and every time they failed to connect with the fan base.
Both of them are probably nice guys and class acts but they have no it factor.
Roman is a glorified mid carder. He is really at best Jinder status. If Vince was smart those 2 would never main event again.
"You don't want food and shelter. You want Sheamus!"Attendance should spike in the winter when the homeless need somewhere warm to go
At the end of the day Cena was our MC Hammer. We didn’t appreciate the lane he was in until others tried to do it and failedBig match John is a superstar. Roman is a ratings killer.
Food and shelterAttendance should spike in the winter when the homeless need somewhere warm to go
Vince needs to go away, and then they need to scale back their shows to just above NXT levels. Stop having the same lame ass matches every damn week. Triple threat matches, six man tag matches, handicap matches, don't mean anything anymore. It's over done. Let the wrestlers be themselves. For instance, where is this dude at?????
But nah. Vince wants to force a Samoan to be a baby face. That shyt don't work![]()
The other night on Raw Roman was doing a promo and told Drew he's going to be the latest person to sayBreh they even had the merch push and everything with the time slogan. Imagine Reigns talking about "time" while heeling it up and the memes it could bring
. The gifs of Reigns pointing at watches
. The troll like antics during Iron Man matches where Reigns go "I need 1 more minute...LOOK AT THE TIME
". Jesus Christ this company
The build to it was great fun. Shame Jinder had no business whatsoever being in that spot.Jinder's reign was a joke and a major flop.
Tough to say when you have everyone reading off the script done by 20 shytty tv writers then filtered through the mind of an out of touch 73 year oldOk but who on the current roster DOES have the it factor?
I wouldn’t dare watch wrestling around my friends
Big E shaking his ass like a fakkit
Hell nah man
You’re right brehThe audience are fags now, TSC loves those c00ns and actually think all that buck dancing is cool![]()