5-7 years from now is too big of a time span to start projecting anything. Four years ago NOBODY would've thought that WWE would be landing three monster deals like they did this year, in 2014 the product was just as meh as today, booking was just as shytty and they were still relying on part timers...and out of nowhere, they won BIG anyway.
Who knows what kind of deal they will be looking at in 2023-2024. Maybe another broadcast/streaming platform shows up, maybe there's a huge merger, who knows what social media will be like and if something will "replace" it (which could change fandom and how to cater to it).
Hell, maybe the XFL 2.0 drains Vince dry again and drastic measures needs to be made.
All in all, booking and how the product is will still be a secondary problem at best for WWE