whatever they do they should give Bryan a fair shake to have MOTN. no more 18 second bullshyt for a made man
best chance for that would have been against a Heel Orton....imo
whatever they do they should give Bryan a fair shake to have MOTN. no more 18 second bullshyt for a made man
whatever they do they should give Bryan a fair shake to have MOTN. no more 18 second bullshyt for a made man
Brock vs cena 2 in an i quit match is one i really wanna see
Sent from Seattle, by way of Ann Arbor on Tapatalk: The Remix
Not this year. He's probably gonna be in a tag match. Now, if the feud with The Shield is still going, I can see WWE giving them 12-15 minutes to work a very good match though.
YES/NO is more over than Sheamus. Bryan is not. Watch him cut a promo.![]()
But Sheamus gets either awkward silence or "what" chants when he cuts promos. So what's your point?![]()
Even if you try this desperate "separate the gimmick from the wrestler" tactic, Bryan's still more over.
The "YES" phenomenon was organic and real. To this day, if Ryback doesnt start the shyt himself, the only thing crowds chant is Goldberg.
Oh, did this happen on Monday for the first time?:belip:
People chant FEED ME MORE when Ryback isn't even in the ring. Stop it.
Nygga isnt bopping as much as he used to either.
the whole yes is over but bryan isn't arguement has never stopped making me laugh. Why would anyone care about that word if wasn't forits over because of him. I'm not a fan of ryback like that but he got "feed me more" over.