Showcase mode is easy I don’t know what y’all talking about.Man I just finished showcase yesterday. All I can say is put the difficulty on Easy. Then while playing if you need help with an objective pause the game and on the pause screen it will show you how to complete a task.
Believe me when I finished it I was glad it was over.
I think the game is a 7.5-8Nah, definitely not in a bad mood. Just giving my impressions so far breh, and started with the negatives. I nitpicked a thing or two (I stated that in my post). But some things i stated should be called out. I don’t have to look for problems with the game. I knew it wasn’t perfect before i made my purchase. 90% of people can enjoy the game all they want. I’m happy for them. Doesn’t mean I can’t point out what’s bad about the game, give brehs who didn’t buy it yet a heads up, and what 2K should work on to make the game better for next year.
I was going to just buy the standard but I need the NWO and Starrcade
must I ever spent on a damn videogame
Yukes would throw in templates for Japanese wrestlers and even include their movesetsI’ll never not be amazed at the talent it takes to create great caws. I think back to like sym and hctp before you could download caws
they used to post the step by step instructions to create..shyt took forever
Pretty on point review. I do like how u can use universe mode as a career mode only using your wrestler.I think the game is a 7.5-8
I can agree that not having true custom entrances is extremely disappointing. It brings down any improvements they made to CAW feature
But to me the good far outweighs the bad
- My Faction is stupid in fact the entire my team concept is garbage, but this version is worse since its not online. In my opinion if you feel like you need to pay to progress in a game mode then that mode is poorly made.
- MYGM is ridiculously limited, but I never cared for that mode anyway, but I have to take away points for the mode being so limited
- I also notice during entrances my frame rate drops to 30fps or lower, that makes no sense in 2022
Universe mode was unchanged but I am still interested in jumping in again with the improved gameplay. I have played a good 6-8 hours of this game and I didnt see some of the things you listed as negatives, so your critique felt a bit harsh and unfair. but whatever I know how the coli operates by now, we can never agree to disagree respectfully so bring on the insults lol
- MY Rise is fun, career mode was trash on the last game 2k19 (20 dont count), the branching storys are good enough and it finally gives me a reason to play this mode
- The graphics are really good all around, I also like the new camera it makes the characters look bigger
- the soundtrack is far better than the last few games
- The commentary is doing a way better job of keeping up with the action, they call the correct moves right as they happen
- The tweaks to the gameplay takes some getting used to but IMO a necessary improvement.
- While I dont like showcase mode in general, I think for those that was interested will enjoy it, its well done, I think it's aimed at the casual video game fan or the lapsed wrestling fan. Every mode doesnt have to be for me.
Hopefully Yukes will do this for the upcoming AEW gameYukes would throw in templates for Japanese wrestlers and even include their movesets
Showcase mode is easy I don’t know what y’all talking about.
I remember those days, I will forever be greatful for the advancement of the CAW processI’ll never not be amazed at the talent it takes to create great caws. I think back to like sym and hctp before you could download caws
they used to post the step by step instructions to create..shyt took forever
Man the process was so arduous but I wouldn’t take back having that much fun lolI remember those days, I will forever be greatful for the advancement of the CAW process