CNN Exploits Missing Plane Victims for Profit
rt and breaking the set hosted by abby martin are popular online on youtube.and they're using CNN to get attention of their own. News programs are about making money.
rt and breaking the set hosted by abby martin are popular online on youtube.
rt isn't worried about cnn like that. as someone whose watched all episodes of breaking the set (youtube auto play) they got better things to report than focus on mainstream media. that's why rt is #2 only to bbc online. they are who you're talking about--they're the best, or one of the best, alternative many news outlets out there yet they decided to pick on CNN which has been irrelevant since after Obama got elected. claiming people are trying to profit off of this is dumb in the world of digital news and the 24 hour news cycle. They act like CNN is the only outlet people go to for news.
I just keep getting sucked into this. CNN is now saying that some data was deleted from the flight simulator and they are trying to recover it.
I'm waiting to see how they'll connect the pilot and the guys with fake passports. at the end of all this they have to find a way to include the anti-islam agenda into this...isnt anything recoverable?
obviously he used his flight simulator to plot this nightmare
I don't think it crashed brehAccording to a pilot, if it was catastrophic electrical problem the plane would have went straight down... So we can rule that out.
It's either the pilots did this and crashed it or it was high jacked and crashed or it was taken somewhere which I doubt.
Pilots crashed it or hijackers crashed it we just don't know where they crashed it at