not likely. something as big as this, someone would talk. or people would be dying or disappearing.Knowing how the world works today , They could have flown to another country and they could have ended up bribing the officials there .
not likely. something as big as this, someone would talk. or people would be dying or disappearing.Knowing how the world works today , They could have flown to another country and they could have ended up bribing the officials there .
not likely. something as big as this, someone would talk. or people would be dying or disappearing.
then in that case you're talking a highly coordinated event like 9-11 here where intl. govt officials are involved.I think it's actually quite likely, except that they probably landed it in some dirt strip out in the boondocks somewhere( if it wasn't crashed beforehand). Lot's of shady shyt happens in foreign governments (ours too but they're not exempt either).
If he wanted to crash the plane why fly for six hours?
Why didn't any passengers text, WiFi is prominent on planes. Which leads me to hijacking phones etc consficated plane landed somewhere
I read that this particular plane was not equipped with anything to allow in flight internet or phone calls. Also, they said shortly after the plane changed course, they reached an altitude of 45,000 feet. If they depressurized the cabin before this, anyone now wearing an oxygen mask would be knocked out. Someone could have then went and collected everyone's phone while they were passed out.
Ur implying that it couldn't be govt agents againI know that not everyone believes that 9/11 was a conspiracy, inside job. But I find it incredibly sad, that our government gave people the idea, of using such a mass object, as a weapon.