That so called progressive site ERA is defending this chit. Makes sense since a mod was exposed as a pedo
Executive Producer: Robert Kelly
Im sorry the lack of logic here for its defenders is ridiculous and disgusting. Like if they made this movie to fight against sexualizing little girls, you mean to tell me there isnt a less disgusting & ironic method than......HAVING THEM DANCE IN SKIMPY OUTFITS? HAVING THEM IN A TWERK TEAM??? WTF?Message of the film is against sexualization of young girls, Netflix markets it in the most pedo way possible.
This is an extreme case but it's just another notch in the long list of Netflix' promotional department being a mess. Edgar Wright had to ask Netflix to remove the internal trailer Netflix made for The World's End because it contained major spoilers and Xavier Dolan called them out a few years ago after they modified the aspect ratio of his film Mommy (shot in 1:1 with a few pivotal scenes in widescreen) without consulting him.
Apparently the Netflix formula is "sell the movie to people at all costs!" and it cosntantly leads to shyt like this.
Im sorry the lack of logic here for its defenders is ridiculous and disgusting. Like if they made this movie to fight against sexualizing little girls, you mean to tell me there isnt a less disgusting & ironic method than......HAVING THEM DANCE IN SKIMPY OUTFITS? HAVING THEM IN A TWERK TEAM??? WTF?
This is like trying to lower the murder rate in chicago by going on a killing spree.they really trying to use some feminist reverse psychology "no no no, we put them in skimpy outfits and made them twerk because we are AGAINST sexualizing them
if anything you're the pedophile for noticing"
Like who is this fukking stupid? The fact that they decide to deflect and spin rather than deplatform this garbage despite such vocal backlash tells you EVERYTHING you need to know
Dat agenda
Ive seen the review excerpts @TheGodling posted days before. They dont answer the questions I posed. Im not moved by the appeal to authority fallacy underlined aboveBecause people who work with young girls loved this movie. It was praised by social workers and people who work with kids who have been abused. I trust those people who dedicate their lives to this work over people who haven't seen the movie and are basing it in Netflix's bad marketing.
Young teen girls dancing and following trends they see in music videos or social media is reality, breh. Why downplay that? I have a niece who just turned 10 and if I sometimes hear her talk about wanting to wear make-up to school or make dance videos for TikTok I'm likeIve seen the review excerpts @TheGodling posted days before. They dont answer the questions I posed. Im not moved by the appeal to authority fallacy underlined above
Is it possible to make an anti underage sexualization theme without actually sexualizing the girls?
Man I don't disagree with your assessment at all. Its a poignant and relevant theme to touch on, the execution is just tasteless. It could be done without the blatant pedo bait.Young teen girls dancing and following trends they see in music videos or social media is reality, breh. Why downplay that? I have a niece who just turned 10 and if I sometimes hear her talk about wanting to wear make-up to school or make dance videos for TikTok I'm like
She doesn't see any of the sexualization of it, it's just imitation without context of what's popular. Luckily my brother and sister-in-law limit her time and what she's allowed to do on "her" phone (a second hand my sister-in-law keeps) but even then you can already see it pouring through.
The point is that young girls do not realize the sexual aspects of this stuff because they are obviously too young to understand, until they are harshly confronted by it.
I think the question you ask how overt a filmmaker needs to show that is a fair one, but I think there's also a basic truth in it. This is a part of social media culture that's happening, this is what it looks like and if it makes you uncomfortable than good, it should if it makes you think more about the state of this culture and what it does to our children.
I think the biggest reason this is identified as pedo bait is because of Netflix’ shytty marketing. That poster should have never been made and the word "twerking" is only used in the English synopsis of the film.Man I don't disagree with your assessment at all. Its a poignant and relevant theme to touch on, the execution is just tasteless. It could be done without the blatant pedo bait.
Im only judging off elements I know are in the movie and marketing. If you're making an anti pedobait movie that gets immediately identified as pedo bait, somebody fukked up.![]()
Is there a french word for twerking? And if they were actually doing it...then the people got it right.I think the biggest reason this is identified as pedo bait is because of Netflix’ shytty marketing. That poster should have never been made and the word "twerking" is only used in the English synopsis of the film.
It's ironic, one of the most prevalent scenes in the trailer is the mother slapping the girl asking her what the hell she is doing. People in the comments joke about it being the only good scene in the trailer, completely oblivious that the point is the girl doesn't realize what she is doing and her mother pushes her away by not explaining but just punishing her.
Like the mom they all assume that an 11 year old girl should be aware of the sexual elements of that style of dance and clothing. It's ironically meta and just showcases how present and normalized sexualization is in our culture that we expect young kids to be aware of it too.
Sign the PetitionPETITION UPDATE
Don't be Fooled!
Allison Mitchell
Vienna, GA, United States
AUG 23, 2020 —
The film maker said she was sexualized as a kid and wanted to make a film against it, but ultimately she put multiple 11 year old girls in the same position. How many girls aged 9-13 do you think twerked for a panel of adults for these roles? Kids were sexualized before filming even began. At the end of the day they still twerk in this film, the trailer is proof. The kids don't know any better, but the adults do, ESPECIALLY the film maker. Don't let this outrage die down until Netflix removes this! We will not forget!! Netflix didn't mess up on marketing, they didn't pull the image from a hat! The French artwork simply hid the truth better, Netflix just accidentally showed us what was really in the film! Thank Netflix, NOW TAKE IT DOWN!
'How many girls twerked for adult men to get this role?'This comment on the petition puts what I said in even stronger words.
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