WTF is going on in ETHIOPIA??


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
They're doing that because the Ethopians don't know how to fight The Tigrayans were the warrior class.


fukk outta here, every tribe had warriors except for the extreme south which stayed out the way and kept with their ancient lifestyles. Tigrayans are riders but that’s no different than any other group.


Jun 12, 2013
again the rest of world isn't america, stop using american customs to dictate other actions, you keep saying you understand but if you did you would understand that part very well

just because europeans came to the continent and said you are X doesn't mean the inhabitants of said region are going to adopt to what someone else ascribes them, people didn't call themselves black then so why would they now? you would have a much more sound argument if you said African in fact I've told folks you have better chance of ditching word black and replacing it with african and shyt will click faster

Who made the word African? Even that argument is silly, a lot of people’s are given their names from outsiders.


Jul 17, 2018

I read also that Ethiopia gave up land and thus made themselves landlocked thus unable to have a Navy due to Eritrea.

I still don't know how the Tigray government at the time let that happen when Eritrea seceded to form their own country. :mindblown:

Forget a Navy, access to the ocean is critical for trade. In the Red Sea with access to the Suez and the Gulf of Aden, no less.


:what: Sudan and Egypt are still on about this forsaken dam, holy shyt i thought they let that die out already

Entitlement. It's "always" been a certain way, which means it's "supposed" to be a certain way. Now the power dynamic shifts and there's fear of civil unrest that would result if Ehiopia decides to hold water hostage...which it's not even in their nature to do, personally speaking. But that fear will remain, and be used by others to keep the region destabilized.

Summed it up pretty good actually. It’s certain details left out but this is as basic as it gets if you want to know the problem.

I appreciate it. I know locals will know more details to be able to fill in the blanks, let me know what I'm missing. :salute:


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
It's a very interesting time we're living in.

A whole lot of chaos going on. It's sad what's happening to civilians everywhere especially the women and children. That's a violation of the rules of engagement. I don't understand what kind of man would be driven to act like this. Massacres. Of innocent people. But I've never been to war.. and right now these groups are riding for theirs. Going all out for what they believe in. Meanwhile, Addis continues to move on day by day.

lot of movement on many fronts right now

- the ongoing situation in Tigray
- beninsangul gumuz attacks
- oromo and amhara wollo attacks
- the OLA movement
- konso
- Afar and Issa
- Somali and Afar
- western Tigray/ amhara
- the GERD dam
- somali amisom
- moyale kenya border

I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot

all in the name of self determination and tribal lands.

I thought I had escaped some of these complex issues coming back home. Talk about...out of the frying pan into the fire, huh.

It's a very interesting time we're living in.

Breh, I’m convinced the 30 years of scum Woyane rule teaching people ethnonationalist tribal politics has damaged the national fabric of the country. Moreover, the scum try to paint Abiy’s vision of Pan Ethiopian unity as a return to the Amhara driven monarchy to whip up old fears in the groups that were marginalized.

It’s pretty clear we’re up against fascists. Not that I’m a big fan of Abiy but the scum Woyane are shrewd and have contacts everywhere and lots of stolen govt money.

We gotta be real with ourselves. Many Ethiopians are lost from the knowledge of themselves. Just like any other Afrikan. We can’t claim we wasn’t colonized if the white man colonized us mentally. We didn’t run our schools, the British and other cacs ran our schools, their churches flooded our churches with white Jesus and Mary’s, sand cacs came to teach Ethiopian Muslims that wild Wahhabism doctrine, and cac Jews took the Ethiopian Jews to a questionable iteration of Israel for them to be their oppressed second class which divides white Israeli society from the third class Palestinians. It took the Black diaspora coming to Ethiopia in the late 19th and into the 20th century from us completely warping our self image.

It’s like we arrogant without understanding fully who we even are. Just the same shyt, Axum, Christianity, Adwa. We even let these cacs shorten our whole history while Iran, India, and China get to claim all their thousands of years of history. We don’t acknowledge our Nubian side but we Ethiopian? We don’t acknowledge Punt but we Ethiopian? I can see why so many banda sellout opp nikkaz disrespecting the flag and the culture because we disrespected ourselves by letting outsiders with no love for us dictate to us who we really are.
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Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
I still don't know how the Tigray government at the time let that happen when Eritrea seceded to form their own country. :mindblown:

Forget a Navy, access to the ocean is critical for trade. In the Red Sea with access to the Suez and the Gulf of Aden, no less.


His end goal was the Agazian plan. Which would turn the Tigray province into a Tigrinya speaking nation state comprising of Eritrea, Tigray province, and Benishangul province where the dam is located.

I swear, outside of making the dam without IMF/World Bank funds, Meles Zenawi will be remembered as a trash leader in the context of Ethiopian history. He’s fortunate that that fake ass Stalin wannabe Mengistu was so unbelievably horrible. But Meles literally introduced an ethnic based apartheid system. Any tribe outside of its tribal lands is a second class citizen and in potential danger of death. I hope that piece of shyt is rotting in hell.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Nah, he was picked due to extreme social unrest. He's from a minority tribe, and his being chosen was meant to hold the country together after all the warring with Somalia and everything else.

Nah, Abiy is from the largest single ethnic group. He’s also half Amhara which ties him to the old ruling class. It was the unrest of those two groups which got Abiy promoted. He then went on his own program of reforms and preached a unity more reminiscent of the pre-TPLF days which basically upset his detractors in the TPLF and much of his Oromo base which are separatists and fringe Hutu types with their random killing of Amhara people.

Egypt through the TPLF is able to fuel conflict in areas that for years had a lid kept on them due to the TPLF’s 30 year reign of terror. Abiy isn’t trying to run the country the same way so it’s an easy recipe for madness. In all this, the capitol is as normal as always.


Jul 17, 2018
Nah, Abiy is from the largest single ethnic group. He’s also half Amhara which ties him to the old ruling class. It was the unrest of those two groups which got Abiy promoted. He then went on his own program of reforms and preached a unity more reminiscent of the pre-TPLF days which basically upset his detractors in the TPLF and much of his Oromo base which are separatists and fringe Hutu types with their random killing of Amhara people.

Egypt through the TPLF is able to fuel conflict in areas that for years had a lid kept on them due to the TPLF’s 30 year reign of terror. Abiy isn’t trying to run the country the same way so it’s an easy recipe for madness. In all this, the capitol is as normal as always.

Wow, thanks! I'd thought he was Sidama for some reason.


Aug 9, 2013
again the rest of world isn't america, stop using american customs to dictate other actions, you keep saying you understand but if you did you would understand that part very well

just because europeans came to the continent and said you are X doesn't mean the inhabitants of said region are going to adopt to what someone else ascribes them, people didn't call themselves black then so why would they now? you would have a much more sound argument if you said African in fact I've told folks you have better chance of ditching word black and replacing it with african and shyt will click faster

Time is long past trying to worry about anyone else’s sensitivity over words like “Black” and “African.” Long past. It’s not what you label yourselves that matters, it’s how you act. You either act in a manner that ensures your survival or you don’t. And Black people, everywhere, are not.

White people didn’t come and label Africans for the Africans benefit, it was for white folks benefit. So they don’t care what the Africans believe about themselves as long as the African does what he’s told. Same as here.

What we’re seeing in Africa on a large scale is what we’ve seen and are seeing over here on smaller scales throughout the country. Over here we wasted our time bullshytting and killing each other over colors and crews and neighborhoods and p*ssy. We destroyed our neighborhoods and cities by mastering all the deplorable shyt that comes with selling dope, and instead of buying shyt like the dirt cheap real estate around us we became so known for buying shyt like Cadillacs that it became not a stereotype but a truism about Black people and our spending on “luxury” items.

All that time, in many cases, we were living on the most valuable land in our respective cities. Ignorance, stupidity and shortsightedness now see us being gentrified out of these areas while white people make a fortune at the same time flipping the property!

Same principle happening in Africa. But white people have different plans for African “gentrification” cause in their mind there’s too many of em/ya’ll.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Were they the ones who fought them bytch ass Italians in world war 2?
Ethiopia got the strongest and largest military in East Africa. The country get a lot foreign AID from the US (which they buy US military equipment )

The Tigrayans ethnic group might be about 10-6% but they heavy dominate (in numbers) the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). Also they group is in all parts of the government (might be through nepotism)

Plus they have a strong hold with the military-security services in Ethiopia (the command staff is mostly Tigrayans and the best weapons is located in the bases in the Tigray region)


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
I thought the prime minister brother was a supreme peace maker?
Jun 4, 2014
Gaddafi is an Arab.... he comes from a bloodline of invaders.

But anyways - South Afrikans, West Afrikans, East Afrikans and Central Afrikans have clear genetic features.... you wont confuse an Afrikan with a dark Asian.... come on bro, you smarter than that.

We know who is part of the family and who is an invader.

and yes, black nations have different politics... but like I said - that shyt has no power on the global stage.

When they killed Magufuli, they didn't see a Tanzanian.

They saw a black man.

When they killed Lumumba, they saw a black man.

But answer this one question though bro.... why do Afrikans still hold tribal beef against each other - even though they forgave the European?

I see African presidents hugging European presidents like best buddies from the playground.

Why do we have tribal beefs if the colonial enemies can walk around Africa like kings?

The breh died from covid

Unemployed GM

All Star
Mar 3, 2015
Ethiopia is too diverse tbh it’s not easy to make something like that work
We don't need to abandon our history to embrace race. Sorry. Irish people are still irish. French are French. Germans are German. Dutch... So on and so forth.

Europeans also have border conflicts. Ukraine, Armenia and such centred around the ethnicity and regional power. They just don't get blasted as tribalistic war.

Nobody tells them to abandon their history neither. Why should we throw language and culture away because the world doesn't understand us? Like we did something wrong by being more diverse than the rest of the world.

Naw breh. White comes first for them. Then everything else.