Wtf is a 5linx Brehs/Brehettes?

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
Go fukk yourself man. Seriously. You know what i do for a living? Outside of music i work at a group home. so while youre peddling some bullshyt drink based around a drug that our youth are consuming at an alarming rate, at the very least i stand for something not only in terms of my job but my also i at least make some positive contribution to the community.

you think your fukking "twerk" videos and "trap" songs are somehow indicative of how smart you are? You piece of shyt Nigerian jr 419 scamming sack of shyt, you are making a living playing on the worst black stereotypes while pandering the world to drink some stupid drink while doing drugs.

While i dont watch c-span i prefer the young turks for most of my news with a liberal slant, when i read newsweek at work was the only time i paid attention to fareed.

I hope your business fails and I hope you realize you are little more than a c00n in django clothing.
:huhldup::whoa: Don't do him like that

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
Go fukk yourself man. Seriously. You know what i do for a living? Outside of music i work at a group home. so while youre peddling some bullshyt drink based around a drug that our youth are consuming at an alarming rate, at the very least i stand for something not only in terms of my job but my also i at least make some positive contribution to the community.

you think your fukking "twerk" videos and "trap" songs are somehow indicative of how smart you are? You piece of shyt Nigerian jr 419 scamming sack of shyt, you are making a living playing on the worst black stereotypes while pandering the world to drink some stupid drink while doing drugs.

While i dont watch c-span i prefer the young turks for most of my news with a liberal slant, when i read newsweek at work was the only time i paid attention to fareed.

I hope your business fails and I hope you realize you are little more than a c00n in django clothing.

:noah: I felt that In my soul. R.I.P nigerian


Miami Hurricanes football fan...
May 1, 2012
Miami Hurricanes,Dallas Cowboys, St. John's, DMV
Think about it like this, what I told my girl after one of her commanding officers tried to get both of us into that crap...

I told her, "baby, how many rich people do you know from 5linx? Even the guy who trying to get us in this mess isn't caking, no way we're doing this"

Everybody isn't made to be rich, if it were THAT easy to get millions why would anyone work? Wouldn't we ALL be selling prepaid legal, energy, etc? and them folks think they, my nikka, you expect to get rich off that lil $500 you dropped on your "website" like the 1,825,284 other people did and you're ACTIVELY trying to get people to be rich WITH YOU? :aicmon: nikkas just hear "rich" "Bentley" "Beamer" "Never have to work again" "$XX,XXX a month" and lose all control and rational thought

Edit: Last thing, when's the last time you heard of Bill Gates or Warren Buffet actually trying to MAKE total strangers MILLIONAIRES for a couple hundred dollars? Exactly, b/c rich people aren't sharing secrets, they not out here trying to make any and everybody an extra $40k a month...that's hustling backwards for apply that to 5Linx and you'll see it's BS


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Go fukk yourself man. Seriously. You know what i do for a living? Outside of music i work at a group home. so while youre peddling some bullshyt drink based around a drug that our youth are consuming at an alarming rate, at the very least i stand for something not only in terms of my job but my also i at least make some positive contribution to the community.

you think your fukking "twerk" videos and "trap" songs are somehow indicative of how smart you are? You piece of shyt Nigerian jr 419 scamming sack of shyt, you are making a living playing on the worst black stereotypes while pandering the world to drink some stupid drink while doing drugs.

While i dont watch c-span i prefer the young turks for most of my news with a liberal slant, when i read newsweek at work was the only time i paid attention to fareed.

I hope your business fails and I hope you realize you are little more than a c00n in django clothing.

:mindblown: :whoo:

Chris Mauro

Jun 17, 2012
Think about it like this, what I told my girl after one of her commanding officers tried to get both of us into that crap...

I told her, "baby, how many rich people do you know from 5linx? Even the guy who trying to get us in this mess isn't caking, no way we're doing this"

Everybody isn't made to be rich, if it were THAT easy to get millions why would anyone work? Wouldn't we ALL be selling prepaid legal, energy, etc? and them folks think they, my nikka, you expect to get rich off that lil $500 you dropped on your "website" like the 1,825,284 other people did and you're ACTIVELY trying to get people to be rich WITH YOU? :aicmon: nikkas just hear "rich" "Bentley" "Beamer" "Never have to work again" "$XX,XXX a month" and lose all control and rational thought

Edit: Last thing, when's the last time you heard of Bill Gates or Warren Buffet actually trying to MAKE total strangers MILLIONAIRES for a couple hundred dollars? Exactly, b/c rich people aren't sharing secrets, they not out here trying to make any and everybody an extra $40k a month...that's hustling backwards for apply that to 5Linx and you'll see it's BS

Then howcome 5 linx is in the top 20 highest grossing MLMs?



Miami Hurricanes football fan...
May 1, 2012
Miami Hurricanes,Dallas Cowboys, St. John's, DMV
Then howcome 5 linx is in the top 20 highest grossing MLMs?


:yeshrug: breh, how come u and your cohorts have to work so hard to get me in? Like if this ish is legitimate as you all say it is, why not take ALL the profits and laugh at us while blowing money fast?

Like I have NEVER seen Steve Jobs (R.I.P) Bill Gates or any CEO come and KEEP asking me to join and get money...they not dying to have me sell Apple or Microsoft products or services. They not making youtube videos telling me "I don't have to be a slave" or "this could be you, this is just a WEDNESDAY for me" blah blah blah you know what they doing? MAKING BILLIONS.

You know what they NOT doing? Begging people to hawk their goods and services...they not fighting tooth and nail to convince people that their business is legit and not ripping nobody off. Someone says Apple, for example, is a scam or is BS, you won't have 100 Apple employees going hard to convince me otherwise...they'll just laugh at that person as they keep counting billions

Let that sink in