WSJ: Illegal Immigrants Get Public Health Care, Despite Federal Policy; MAKE UP 25% OF UNINSURED


May 17, 2012

Because while I have my own suggestions for LEGAL immigration and visa reform, none of them include the ignorance of the law just for emotional appeals.

Those hoops are there for a reason. I've already said I want reforms for LEGAL immigration. Which you seem to ignore.

However, they can't just jump the line while others still have to pay fees, take tests, and prove good citizenship over a period of time.

Good. Breaking the law shouldn't be convenient.

Everyone has a story. There's America's poor and underemployed right now who need just as much help.

Not every illegal immigrant is a refugee. Stop this woe-is-me house on fire, bullshyt. :ufdup:

you keep making my pooint for me and u dont seem to realize it. first, u said ur parents were RECRUITED here. so what the fucck does that mean? are u saying some company sponsored them here? ummm hmmm. elaborate exacctly on what u mean by recruited. i'm gonna be very blatant here and tell u whats going to happen. i'm laying a trap here for u to fall right into and even after telling u about the trap, u'll still fall for it. so go ahead and elaborate on what RECRUITED means.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
you keep making my pooint for me and u dont seem to realize it. first, u said ur parents were RECRUITED here. so what the fucck does that mean? are u saying some company sponsored them here? ummm hmmm. elaborate exacctly on what u mean by recruited. i'm gonna be very blatant here and tell u whats going to happen. i'm laying a trap here for u to fall right into and even after telling u about the trap, u'll still fall for it. so go ahead and elaborate on what RECRUITED means.
My parents met a need for a specific line of work. Deal with it.

And it wasn't some cherry picking field shyt either. And they're black

So kiss my ass with this shyt.

They came LEGALLY.


May 17, 2012
My parents met a need for a specific line of work. Deal with it.

And it wasn't some cherry picking field shyt either. And they're black

So kiss my ass with this shyt.

They came LEGALLY.

lol. what an idiot.

First, you assumed my stance was for mexican (or spanish speaking) illegals. but your assumption was of course wrong. i stand on the side of all "illegal" immigrants, specifically black ones.

Second, you stand on ur high horse and u tell others to do X Y Z in order to get what it is YOU got for free. u didn't have to do sh1t. u just happened to be born here based on decisions made by ur parents. not by u. and yet, u really have the nerve to talk the way u talk. its actually quite laughable.

your parents met a specific criteria which allowed them to come to this country legally. if u think their struggle was anything like that of immigrants of today, you're again, an idiot.

u see, unlike you, i have no anger towards any group of people. i can be and i am great without needing to put down any one.

i mean, if u dont take anything out of what i've taught you so far in this thread, ask yourself, why are you this mad about illegals??
could it be because you're so low in status that u feel threatened by others of low status coming to take the little you do have??

in other words, if your life is so fuccked that your economic status is threatened by illegal immgrants, maybe u need to reevaluate your life because its evident from your posts you're confused.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
lol. what an idiot.

First, you assumed my stance was for mexican (or spanish speaking) illegals. but your assumption was of course wrong. i stand on the side of all "illegal" immigrants, specifically black ones.
Asian illegal immigrants compromise like 15-20% of illegals. Blacks are less than 5%...and thats ALL blacks: Africa AND Carribbean

Second, you stand on ur high horse and u tell others to do X Y Z in order to get what it is YOU got for free. u didn't have to do sh1t. u just happened to be born here based on decisions made by ur parents. not by u. and yet, u really have the nerve to talk the way u talk. its actually quite laughable.
And? Citizenship and rule of law matters.

your parents met a specific criteria which allowed them to come to this country legally. if u think their struggle was anything like that of immigrants of today, you're again, an idiot.
My parents weren't illegal immigrants.

u see, unlike you, i have no anger towards any group of people. i can be and i am great without needing to put down any one.
Who said i'm angry towards them as a people? If you have something to offer this country outside of unskilled, low-education labor, then we can talk. But you have to come here legally.

i mean, if u dont take anything out of what i've taught you so far in this thread, ask yourself, why are you this mad about illegals??
could it be because you're so low in status that u feel threatened by others of low status coming to take the little you do have??
I live a great life. But illegals have affected black economics on a macroscopic scale

Entire congressional reports have exposed this:
in other words, if your life is so fuccked that your economic status is threatened by illegal immgrants, maybe u need to get ur priorities in order because its evident from your posts you're all over the place.
You know nothing about me though.


Jan 9, 2016
Yup. Let them learn the hard way.

The irony's hard as fukk to become a Mexican citizen :skip:
Exactly breh, the hypocrisy is astounding. So you mean to tell me Mexico gets to have tough ass immigration laws, but yet when it comes to them coming to the U.S illegally Americans are supposed to just turn a blind eye?:whoo:

All the Black people who cape for Mexicans continuously coming into America illegally need to go to Mexico and try being an illegal alien there, see if Mexicans will have any sympathy for you. Just go ahead and try it and see what will happen to you.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
yes it is fraud. but the way the media portrays this is, immigrants are rapists, killers, they siphon benefits from the country and on and on. but, there are citizens who commit all these same things, on a much larger scale. why are u focusing on the ones commited by the immigrants as if they are much worse than what citizens commit.

anyway, i'm not going to be going on about this in this thread. but, the one thing i'll say is, no, immigrants are in fact paying their fair share. they're just not legal and they have no way to get credit for the work they've done.

and by the way, being illegal is not a choice to these people. every illegal immigrant would love to be legal instantly. but the process to become legal is extremely long, expensive and painful. again, the media makes u believe "ohh whats wrong with these people. why cant they do it the legal way? why can't they get in line?" this type of thought process clearly shows a troubling lack of knowledge.

That's just not true. We let 1,000,000 people come in the country legally every year now.

Compared to a quarter of that 50 years ago.

That's why Black folks and working class Whites were starting to eat better in the '60s, because there was a limit on immigration.

America didn't start to ease up on that until the late '60s and '70s and then Reagan just started letting people come here because his friends could use them to undercut labor unions and force workers to work for lower wages or lose their jobs.

another misconception. not all illegals are mexicans. many are your african brethren!

But the overwhelming majority of illegal immigration come from Mexico. That's undeniable.