Test- big tall guy that could go, just never had a solid gimmick.
Mordecai/Kevin Ferg- speaking of solid gimmicks, from what I saw this guy's gimmick was cool as hell but crowds didnt react and they pulled the plug
Owen Hart- they made him the Blazer again and it lead to what it lead to. RIP.
Scott Hall- how the phuck did he NEVER win a WWF or WCW World Title?
Kanyon/Mortis- Mortis was so dumb, it just worked. A ninja skull jester just kind of worked. Really I could go on with the DDP clone gimmick or Invasion MVP, but Kanyon was a great entertainer, could put on a show in the ring, and made every gimmick work.
D Lo- I thought he was entertaining as IC and Euro champion. Even gets some good pops when he returns. Unfortunately now he's eaten himself out of a good career.
Worlds Greatest Tag Team- There was no need to break them up. Both guys had the personality of a can of paint. But when they had the WGTT gimmick it worked because they could actually wrestle.
AW- He was supposed to be the mouthpiece for PTP but got canned after going in on WWE on Twitter. He also was managing Epico and Primo for a while. He could have had some nice tag teams under his management and had a good run.
Samoa Joe/AJ Styles/Bobby Rude- TNA guys that never made the leap. To me, a career stuck in TNA is a flop. Its like being the best player in the CFL. No one cares until you do it in the NFL every Sunday.