This is what happens when you procreate with cacs, your son's and daughters will as well and you get pure white grandkids
Jaimie been a c00n
Jaimie been a c00n
Women are probably hitting her up for tips. She snagged 18 year checks from two pro athletes most women cant land one. Her book would be bigger than The Secret.
Ya'll need to check out her story. Something about she lived in Indiana growing up. The white people treated her like shyt she said and were extremely racist.
After all that she marries a cac. Smh
She drop at least one of those kids before he was in the leagueHer brother is Jordan Cameron not like she needed the money
What stone cold do?Every time she get's self righteous i can't help but think of
Her job is not to show black men in a positive light. She is doing the devils bidding.
I don't use the term bedwench but between the Kobe comment and this cringe-worthy interview she has definitely punched her bedwench/ c00n first class ticket. The podcast should have just been called the Confession of a negro bed wench.
First her loving white husband doesn't even job, he'stay at home dad. Then she's denounces herself of being black and is uncomfortable being identified as black; she even goes as far saying when filling out a census she either wont answer or just check both
. Then she shyts on President Obama for only identifying as black stating that it was his white mom and grandma that raised him, while his black father was never to be seen again. Deitsch asks Steele a time she experienced racism in the workplace; She details a time when a close colleague whom she invited to to her wedding, began to talk behind her back saying she got her position because she was a black female. Steel than concludes he probably was right
No. Are you an idiot? Or you one of these fake revolutionaries who sees black on one side, white on the other and automatically thinks RACISM, c00n, or whatever else? While other racist shyt is going on around you and you don't even realize it? Insert logic into your lifestyle. The comment was made that this was "racial" because she brought up Kobe's rape case. Word? Even though she's half black? Even though that network was talking about Manning, the whitest white boy, and his puttin his nuts on some womans head when he was 19 ad nauseum? What the fukk is the difference?
A quarter black.
So Blake Griffin's child that he had by a white woman is black since he had a black father?
What stone cold do?
I see nothing wrong with what she said there. You fools need to get over the one drop rule.Then she's denounces herself of being black and is uncomfortable being identified as black; she even goes as far saying when filling out a census she either wont answer or just check both. Then she shyts on President Obama for only identifying as black stating that it was his white mom and grandma that raised him, while his black father was never to be seen again. Deitsch asks Steele a time she experienced racism in the workplace; .
Yeah. Are you?Are you black
But she was on the view back in day shyt on nikkasYa'll need to check out her story. Something about she lived in Indiana growing up. The white people treated her like shyt she said and were extremely racist.
After all that she marries a cac. Smh