Yearly Salary - 333,000
Monthly Salary - 27,750
Biweekly salary - 12,807.69
Weekly salary - 6’403.85
Daily salary - 1,280.77
Hourly salary - 128.08 (50 hours), 160.10 (40 hours)
These mf’s are tripping.. you bringing in over a $1,000 a day! Give me that McDonald’s hat and uniform!
I’d open my own McDonald’s after a few months wtf
Y'all idiots can’t see the long term benefits for a short 3 years of hard work lol. There are people out here working way more hours doing much labor intensive work for not even a 10th of that pay.
You’d be able to pay off a house and a couple cars with that money. Won’t have to stress bout no finances, can go on vacations etc