I just found out recently but I knew I wasnt right ... I figured it was just how I was ... Im 28 and I date wisely I guess... I never had a problem with it but being "mysterious" can push alot of people away regardless so I only really attract real cool people at this age now. Personally I dont work, but when I did it was hard if I had a job dealing with people ... and I used to get upset alot for going against the grain and forcing myself into situations that I shouldnt have been in. I am actually half black and for the most part now, I tell people I have aspergers cause it answers alot more questions easily at my age instead of making people either think im a weirdo or think im just portraying a role. I can fake it enough to pass as normal if need be honestly, I would say a person like Prince had Aspergers too because basically everything we knew about him from an outsiders perspective show signs of it. Personally I dont have alot of friends and havent for a long time because my mind simmers and works at a different pace... I meet and know people but have a hard time bonding or relating to what they like to do because I am wired very different. I still appreciate them for being them, but its hard to get someone to understand why you tick and do what you do. Luckily all of my hobbies (writing, all types of instruments and theory, computer programming) all let me have space where I can move and do things at my own pace.
doctors have a hard time diagnosing something like it because it varies just like depression ... I think it is more easy to detect if you're around a person for a long time because signs cant be hidden under close examination.
@ the underlined - I do the same thing, makes the process a lot easier. Only thing that gets annoying is that people either think you're lying or that you've cured yourself