Would Malcolm X be successful today?


Pachuca Sunrise.
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
The Marcus Garvey School of Panafrican Peter Peeking. :dame:

Prince of PanAfrikan Petergazing


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
these are some malcolm x quotes

In a 1963 speech made at the University of California, Malcolm X addressed the troubling state of families in the black community. Sadly, it takes on even more relevance today. "Our young girls, our daughters, our baby sisters become unwed mothers before they are hardly out of their teens. Our community has thousands of unmarried mothers [who] have no hope of ever getting a husband. And our community has tens of thousands of little babies who have no father to act as their provider or protector," he said.

Could just see all the hit pieces from black women if this was said today

How DARE HE!!!

"As a young minister I wouldnt have considered it possible for me to love any woman. I had too much experience that women were only tricky, deceitful, untrustworthy flesh. I had seen too many men ruined or tied down, or in some other way messed up by women. Women talk too much, and to tell a woman not to talk too much, would be like telling Jesse James not to carry a gun, or telling a hen not to cackle. Can you imagine Jesse James without a gun, or a hen that didnt cackle, and for anyone in leadership or position as I am. The worst thing in the world that a man could have, is the wrong woman. Samson was destroyed by the woman that slept in his arms. It had been 10 years since I thought anything about a woman or a mistress, and as a minister now I was thinking even less about getting a wife------"

oh look at this WOMAN hater y'all

"In my years as a Muslim minister, I had always taught so strongly on moral issues. That many Muslim sisters accused me of being anti-woman. I had not even touched a woman for 12 years------"

look at this no puzzy getting ass nikka 12 years and he trying to talk to us? If he had some puzzy he wouldn't have been so angry

"I love Sister Betty, shes the only woman that I ever thought about loving. Shes one of the very few women that I have ever trusted. Shes a good Muslim woman and wife. With me trying to wake up this brainwashed black man, and telling this arrogant white man the truth. Betty knows this is a full time job. I am only home 2 or 3 days a week, but if I have to do work while Im home she allows me to have that quiet time that I need to work in---"

Look at this black man wanting to keep his woman as a slave and just stay home raising the kids

"While in Beirut I went walking, and I could clearly see the European influence upon their women. It showed me how any countrys moral strength, or its moral weakness is quickly measurable by the street attire and attitude of its women, especially its young women-----"

Passport brainwashed negro thinking european standards are better than what we have over hre

"Look at the women in America , young and old. Hardly any moral values are left in them. You can measure this by their dress and attire. Their spiritual values are almost destroyed, because of their emphasis on material things---"

How can you judge someones morals by what they wear, this is disgusting and vile comments

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
if it made economic/financial sense then no.

And i hate black immigrants, even though i called out the usage of the word "tether" lol

But you do. Hundreds of posts talking down to black posters and black figures because their parents/grandparents are from elsewhere. You are MAGA to the core.


May 3, 2012
To be fair it’s not only black people use the left/liberal/democrat interchangeably. I’ll say 90% of Americans do at this point. Same in reverse with right/conservative/republican. Which is why so many people are falling for the “democrats are the owned slaves “ talking point.
I know and understand exactly why it’s used interchangeably.
That within itself is a sinister AmeriKKKan lie to mislead.

I want the BLACK community specifically to understand that they’re NOT interchangeable in reality.

To be wiser, have more necessary political awareness,
so our ppl stop playin Checkers while everyone playin Chess.
They really think the Black Panthers got knocked off because they were some edgy Centrist Democrats :mjlol:

The Black Panthers were NOTHING like these cowardice centrist LOST NIKKAS serving Massa.

The Black Panthers were Radical Black Leftists about true liberation and equality.



These modern nikkas woulda HATED the Black Panthers and call them anti-American, feminine and tɛrrorists for wanting equality for oppressed people.

The reason why AmeriKKKa is so adamant about reinforcing Christianity on mass scale, is for its subjects to be more accepting
of White Supremacy through conservatism.

AmeriKKKa is a Christian nation pretending to be secular for PR.

The Far Right ruling class wants their subjects Christian and low educated, as it allows ppl to willingly descent into accepting authoritarianism.

In a 61% white nation where the ruling class is extremely racist white ppl, this means White Supremacist authoritarianism under the disguise and umbrella of Christianity.
(Modern reintroduction of old colonial conditions: ✝️ Christian conservative colonialism & slavery)

True secularization by design leads to oppressive systems being removed, human rights like abortion and LGBT rights to get support.

Far Right White Supremacists know very well that to gain support for their White Supremacist agenda, they just gotta point at vulnerable rights of LGBT ppl, women and immigrants.

As Christianity has ingrained misogyny that covers support across the board for their attacks on women’s rights and LGBT rights.

And tapping into xenophobia covers them from blame across the board by sayin the old racist trope “immigrants are taking your jobs.”

This way they got the social and economic narrative on lock, and they can freely continue to push white supremacist key players in position that get white supremacist laws passed.

Liberals are centrist, incorrectly labeled as Left-wing.

It will take bold Left-wing politics for Liberals to change structures.

The Far Right knows this, so they use Fear to slander any Left-wing politics by labeling it as Extremism and Agendas.
To protect and keep the public’s Centrist sentiment status quo as their opponent, as it favors their position.

Liberal voters that want Left-wing benefits, haven’t come to term with this being the reality of American politics. That’s why those ppl stay disappointed when “nothing changes” while that’s literally what Centrism (Liberals) is designed to do, protect the status quo.

Liberal voters can’t have Left-wing desires, but turn full-blown
Far Right when others benefit from those Left-wing politics too and then complain about Liberals (Centrists) not doing anything.

When their inconsistency RIGHT THERE is the exact Centrism they COMPLAIN about not changing the status quo they desire.

Lack of class consciousness is a big issue enabling the status quo.

The Black Panthers were Black radical Leftists.
So to see Black ppl that proudly indulge in Koonservatism,
praise them.. let’s me know they don’t know their politics and history.
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Aug 5, 2013
The Chi
He wouldn’t be any more successful than the NOI. I love X but why do yall act like He was doing anything other than spreading NOI ideaology ? And that’s not a slight to him just facts.
I don’t think that’s a bad thing. NOI has been one of the most successful blk movements in recent history…businesses, cleaned folks up. he’s a big reason why NOI grew.

Then Malcolm had the part of his life after NOI too. He was becoming more political. But he also didn’t have as much popularity compared to when he was with NOI.

Many ppl viewed him as a traitor… and I can see why. Folks loved Elijah…


Non-FBA. AdosK
May 5, 2012
The suburbs
I don’t think that’s a bad thing. NOI has been one of the most successful blk movements in recent history…businesses, cleaned folks up. he’s a big reason why NOI grew.

Then Malcolm had the part of his life after NOI too. He was becoming more political. But he also didn’t have as much popularity compared to when he was with NOI.

Many ppl viewed him as a traitor… and I can see why. Folks loved Elijah…
I never said it’s a bad thing. I’m
Saying why would he be any more successful than
The NOI is today, when all he did was spread their teachings? It’s not like he was NOI with a twist.
Jul 26, 2012
Malcolm was a great orator and could’ve possibly went on to do great things. But how successful was he actually during his own time? I’d argue Elijah Muhammad was more successful than Malcolm in that era

Yeah… and no diss to Malcolm, but Elijah did build Afrocentric schools, farms, grocery stores, businesses, etc…. Malcolm was a mouth piece for Elijah Muhammad’s ideology for the majority of his NOI affiliation
Jul 26, 2012
Pre or Post Mecca Malcolm? I think post Mecca Malcolm would be a huge problem for today's current white nationalists.

Maybe…but that wasn’t his first time worshipping with white Muslims…. But since his trip to Mecca was the Hajj, maybe he had a true spiritual transformation that led him to orthodox Islam.

85 East

DJ D'eeznuts
May 21, 2012
Maybe…but that wasn’t his first time worshipping with white Muslims…. But since his trip to Mecca was the Hajj, maybe he had a true spiritual transformation that led him to orthodox Islam.
Yeah, he would amass a huge following world wide today if it were post Mecca Malcolm. I've actually fought with my girl about Trump(not really fighting)where she says it's a class war not a race war like I'm arguing. She might not be wrong. He'll both of us could be right. I think in today's climate, he'd be against the white oligarchs holding the world hostage. I don't think he'd be against working with other races so long as the people were righteous.

Elim Garak

Mar 8, 2015
Would his movement and message been able to help black people the way it did back then?
Perhaps, one of the things I don't like that this site does when it comes to Malcolm is they pretend like it was only one version of him though. I think he would have continued to evolve and adjust his message based on the times he was living in. I believe he was intelligent enough to do that in any time period and charisma always translates as well.