No. Celebrity increases exponentially whatever qualities you ascribe to a particular individual: if they're genuinely attractive, then they become breathtaking or gorgeous, reasonably intelligent then they're genius, moderately attractive then they're beautiful, strange or eccentric then they're mysterious, and so on. Attractiveness, in a non-celebrity environment, which is to say "wild-type," only supersedes all other qualities or is a foible when it is extreme on either side of the spectrum ('re extremely attractive or extremely unfortunate looking). So, if George Clooney, who doesn't fall into either category worked at Lowe's, would he be able to have any woman he wanted? No. He wouldn't be, "George Clooney" which qualitatively alters his attractiveness. He would still have success with the opposite sex -- as is the case for most moderately attractive people.
Don't believe me? Watch this video and see how even the idea a person might be a celebrity makes them significantly more attractive.