Would Floyd Mayweather stand a chance against prime Hearns?

mr. smoke weed

Smoke Album Done......Wait n See #SmokeSquad
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012
Skip you should know better. Cmon son.

Coralles and Ndou are not in the same galaxy as Hearns. That comparison is bogus.

Floyd didn't handle a pasty his prime Oscar at 154. He won a split decision. We're talking about a prime Hearns here. And Oscar aint in the same galaxy as Hearns either. And you know this.

Too many of ya are a victim of the moment and inflate Mayweathers talent. Theres a reason he avoided prime fighters. Theres a reason he retired during the reign of prime fighters who were stylistic nightmares. Theres a reason FLoyd Sr told Top Rank to keep southpaws away from him. Theres a reason even Floyd says hes TBE OUTSIDE the ring in terms of business and finances.

Did he play the game and manipulate to make crazy amounts of $$ for minimal risk with well calculated and plotted moves? Yes

But inside the ring, naw. Hearns by KO. And I'm done trying to educate you guys with all these Mayweather vs threads. Cuz if ya objectively look at his resume, youll see he didn't fight many fighters in their prime. And that was by design.

I guess ya aren't aware of the PED he uses that's only legal in Las Vegas. I guess ya aint aware of the 6 drug tests he failed that he received therapeutic exemptions for, AFTER THE TESTS WERE FAILED. I guess ya aint aware of the money he personally would pay USADA in order to get those TEs after he failed those tests, instead of getting them prior to being tested which is protocol. And ya must have missed the clause team Mayweather TRIED to include in the contract for the Pacquiao fight that stated if either fighter fails a drug test that the results stay private and not be released publicly, which Freddie Roach refused to accept.

The truth will set you free, but not before it upsets you.
Trying to educate us like you're big shyt, yet talk down like a newbie a$$hole. Bro just bc you train boxing doesn't make your opinion omnipotent. Only dikkheads act that way, and it almost instantly invalidates your opinion.


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL
its funny cause even tho your correct,
ive never heard one media person ever acknowledge that floyd was never at his best/prime at 147 and was STILL beating everyone with ease
thats amazing within itself
The media is stupid..Floyd is smaller than ab. He not a natural 147 pounder:stopitslime:. That's why I can't nikkas that think moving up in weight is a cake walk serious. Just cuz pacman and Floyd was ruining nikkas primes that were 20 pounds heavier don't mean it's easy to climb weight classes:francis:

Skip b

May 5, 2012
Skip you should know better. Cmon son.

Coralles and Ndou are not in the same galaxy as Hearns. That comparison is bogus.

Floyd didn't handle a pasty his prime Oscar at 154. He won a split decision. We're talking about a prime Hearns here. And Oscar aint in the same galaxy as Hearns either. And you know this.

Too many of ya are a victim of the moment and inflate Mayweathers talent. Theres a reason he avoided prime fighters. Theres a reason he retired during the reign of prime fighters who were stylistic nightmares. Theres a reason FLoyd Sr told Top Rank to keep southpaws away from him. Theres a reason even Floyd says hes TBE OUTSIDE the ring in terms of business and finances.

Did he play the game and manipulate to make crazy amounts of $$ for minimal risk with well calculated and plotted moves? Yes

But inside the ring, naw. Hearns by KO. And I'm done trying to educate you guys with all these Mayweather vs threads. Cuz if ya objectively look at his resume, youll see he didn't fight many fighters in their prime. And that was by design.

I guess ya aren't aware of the PED he uses that's only legal in Las Vegas. I guess ya aint aware of the 6 drug tests he failed that he received therapeutic exemptions for, AFTER THE TESTS WERE FAILED. I guess ya aint aware of the money he personally would pay USADA in order to get those TEs after he failed those tests, instead of getting them prior to being tested which is protocol. And ya must have missed the clause team Mayweather TRIED to include in the contract for the Pacquiao fight that stated if either fighter fails a drug test that the results stay private and not be released publicly, which Freddie Roach refused to accept.

The truth will set you free, but not before it upsets you.
Oscar would have beat the shyt of that boy Hearns u dont know shyt about boxing; funny how Oscar gets discredited these days.....When in the 90s talk was fairly unanimous that hed mop the floor with SRL and Hearns

Mr. Leonidas

All Star
Aug 13, 2012
Oscar would have beat the shyt of that boy Hearns u dont know shyt about boxing; funny how Oscar gets discredited these days.....When in the 90s talk was fairly unanimous that hed mop the floor with SRL and Hearns

Wow really skip? And I thought the last dude who said that was trolling me so I hit him with the :umad:

And youre probably trolling me too. Or, you might just not know as much about boxing as I thought. Bro Oscar lost to all the biggest names on his resume. Everytime he stepped up he lost. He was a B-/C fighter with matinee idol looks and a great following. But truth be told he always came up short. But I will say this about the Golden Boy- heart a of friggin champ. Ducked and dodged nobody, always sought to challenge himself and fight the best. In that regard, hes more of a fighter and champion than Floyd ever was. And he had Floyd under serious heat with a basic ass jab.

But Hearns destroys him man. Ya just don't know how devastating Hearns was man. Ya probably youtubed highlights of him losing to the 4 kings and think that tells his story. But ive watched his whole career. as I have Floyd and Oscars. Hearns decimated opponents with KO power in both hands. Back then, that era had waaaaaaaaaay better talent than Floyd or Oscars era did. And they fought 15 rounders. Put it in perspective fellas. Oscar fades in 12 round fights. And per Floyd himself and his daddy, Floyd only seeks to win 7 or 8 rounds in a 12 round fight, as part of his fight smart not hard mantra. Berto, Guerrero, and Pacquiao all commented that Floyd keeps looking up at the clock to manage time, gauging how much he needs hold and run per round. Its smart, but back then the 4 kings weren't doing that shyt. They just wanted to destroy you.

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
Wow really skip? And I thought the last dude who said that was trolling me so I hit him with the :umad:

And youre probably trolling me too. Or, you might just not know as much about boxing as I thought. Bro Oscar lost to all the biggest names on his resume. Everytime he stepped up he lost. He was a B-/C fighter with matinee idol looks and a great following. But truth be told he always came up short. But I will say this about the Golden Boy- heart a of friggin champ. Ducked and dodged nobody, always sought to challenge himself and fight the best. In that regard, hes more of a fighter and champion than Floyd ever was. And he had Floyd under serious heat with a basic ass jab.

But Hearns destroys him man. Ya just don't know how devastating Hearns was man. Ya probably youtubed highlights of him losing to the 4 kings and think that tells his story. But ive watched his whole career. as I have Floyd and Oscars. Hearns decimated opponents with KO power in both hands. Back then, that era had waaaaaaaaaay better talent than Floyd or Oscars era did. And they fought 15 rounders. Put it in perspective fellas. Oscar fades in 12 round fights. And per Floyd himself and his daddy, Floyd only seeks to win 7 or 8 rounds in a 12 round fight, as part of his fight smart not hard mantra. Berto, Guerrero, and Pacquiao all commented that Floyd keeps looking up at the clock to manage time, gauging how much he needs hold and run per round. Its smart, but back then the 4 kings weren't doing that shyt. They just wanted to destroy you.

I rewatched the Trinidad fight and gave it to Oscar. but yeah his big fights were close though.

Mr. Leonidas

All Star
Aug 13, 2012
Trying to educate us like you're big shyt, yet talk down like a newbie a$$hole. Bro just bc you train boxing doesn't make your opinion omnipotent. Only dikkheads act that way, and it almost instantly invalidates your opinion.

I'm not talking down bro, chillax. I apologize if I offended you. If we were having the convo face to face, youd be able to hear the tone of my voice as I'm saying all this. But being that we're online, my intonations are lost. I come in peace, to love and educate man. I never take this stuff too seriously. Love the COLI and my COLI fam. :youngsabo:

Mr. Leonidas

All Star
Aug 13, 2012
Yes, he stands a chance....he's Floyd Mayweather. Not 1 prime fighter in history, from 130-147, beats a prime Floyd every single fight.

That being said, Hearns reach, length, handspeed, jab, power, having the nerve to be someone who can fight either off the back foot OR stalk you at a high level, plus defense means I would pick Hearns overy Floyd every single time.

He wouldn't win them all, but I think he (outside of SRR) is the fighter who beats Floyd easier than anyone else would

Wise words from a wise man. :obama:

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
not talkin about fighter quality
im talkin about chin
if floyd can back off dudes outweighin him by 15-20 pounds on fight night with his power
then he can make hearns respect his power as well
dont forget before the injuries, floyd had knockout power in both hands
he wouldnt knock out hearns, but lets not act like hes paulie

Floyd also almost went down by an out of prime mosley right.

hitman got a better right hand than that.

but forget about power.....people don't realize hitman outfoxed prime srl. he can definitely outbox may.

only thing I see messing him up if he don't got the right conditioning...but then again it would be a 12 rd fight anyway.


May 9, 2012
Wow really skip? And I thought the last dude who said that was trolling me so I hit him with the :umad:

And youre probably trolling me too. Or, you might just not know as much about boxing as I thought. Bro Oscar lost to all the biggest names on his resume. Everytime he stepped up he lost. He was a B-/C fighter with matinee idol looks and a great following. But truth be told he always came up short. But I will say this about the Golden Boy- heart a of friggin champ. Ducked and dodged nobody, always sought to challenge himself and fight the best. In that regard, hes more of a fighter and champion than Floyd ever was. And he had Floyd under serious heat with a basic ass jab.

But Hearns destroys him man. Ya just don't know how devastating Hearns was man. Ya probably youtubed highlights of him losing to the 4 kings and think that tells his story. But ive watched his whole career. as I have Floyd and Oscars. Hearns decimated opponents with KO power in both hands. Back then, that era had waaaaaaaaaay better talent than Floyd or Oscars era did. And they fought 15 rounders. Put it in perspective fellas. Oscar fades in 12 round fights. And per Floyd himself and his daddy, Floyd only seeks to win 7 or 8 rounds in a 12 round fight, as part of his fight smart not hard mantra. Berto, Guerrero, and Pacquiao all commented that Floyd keeps looking up at the clock to manage time, gauging how much he needs hold and run per round. Its smart, but back then the 4 kings weren't doing that shyt. They just wanted to destroy you.
your on a roll with the bullshyt man, keep it coming:laff:

Mr. Leonidas

All Star
Aug 13, 2012
Floyd also almost went down by an out of prime mosley right.

hitman got a better right hand than that.

but forget about power.....people don't realize hitman outfoxed prime srl. he can definitely outbox may.

only thing I see messing him up if he don't got the right conditioning...but then again it would be a 12 rd fight anyway.


Yes, its easy for people of this generation to be blinded by Floyds record. 49-0 is nice.

But look at HOW he won his fights and how OTHER fighters won their fights. The 4 kings didn't need excessive holding, running, and elbows in the neck to win. Nor did they have the luxury of getting Kenny Bayless to get away with stuff. The 4 Kings never pulled legal sucker punches on their opponents ala Mayweather-Ortiz, they didn't need to weight drain opponents ala Canelo or blow off catchweights ala Marquez.

Winning is one thing. But how you do it is another. As much as we love Floyd, we all know his fights always lacked entertainment value. That's now how the 4 Kings won.