Nothing really if you just focus on sports betting specifically. It's more about how slowly but surely morality is being tossed away for profit. Not even mad though but there is a pattern brewing here.
I'm sorry but you're displaying exactly why the Constitution -written by fukkboys but brilliant nonetheless - explicitly tries not to go into allowing the Federal Gov't the ability to dictate morality.
Had they thought morality should be universally regulated, they'd have made the the Constitution state you can only have one religion and only fukk people after marriage and never say curse words.
They explicitly did not want that. Which is why the 1st amendment is so important - it's not to protect positive speech, it's to protect the negative speech.
Morality - drugs, prostitution, lifestyle choices, sex, etc - is an issue that should never be up to the federal government to control.
A state should be able to make judgments on morality based on the local people and their intimate connection to the law instead of legislators in Washington - who don't know shyt about a State's customs - saying it should be illegal for nikkas in Brooklyn to have an open container of alcohol at a bbq.