You're still not answering How do you know they are accurate in their dating? If you dont know but are trusting the scientists then say that instead of skating around the issue. But you know that that would be the same as people blindly trusting the bible as being accurate so you refrain from saying so
I never said I didnt understand science though I would not understand how to date rocks, why it would be necessary, and how I would know its accurate. Nonetheless I can speak for myself.
Oh and Im not asking you to prove they are correct. I dont care. It doesnt change the state that the world is currently in so its no biggie if its true or false of what they came up with. Im just wondering how someone that doesnt believe anything without proof, then goes and believes the words of scientists without proof
You know how nuclear power plants work?
Like how they say Chernobyl will be contaminated for a few thousand years?
We can study OTHER chemicals and see how long it takes to stick around.