I'm just going to spew my friends arguments, and you guys can tear them down accordingly:
1. All Scientific "facts" are followed by the small print "as far as we know" which makes them "soft facts" if anything. Certainly not anything we should accept as concrete.
2. The scientific method is just as closed minded. Everything is perceived and filtered through the scientific method, and any divine intervention is no exception. With this mindset outside possibilities are impossible as everything must have a scientific explanation, and those that dont, are pending one. A scientist will never look at "magic" and go holy shyt, that's magic. He is completely close minded to the idea.
3. The Resurrection is real, and has never been dis-proven, and the majority of those who have tried to disprove it, have become believers...
4. Genesis gives no time table. You are arguing with man, not God on this.
We debated this for like 30-50m, when it hit me that I cant win cause he believes in magic... no way you can win an argument vs magic