Toe Jay Simpson
Somebody pass me a brewski breh
I still don’t know how to pronounce their namesAnd i thought Cdai and Edai were terrible names
like Augusta and Pulaski...actually a few blocks west of Pulaski.Where was this?
negged for mocking death.Sounds like he fighting that domeski
Being braindeadski is worse than being deadski
Did you not see the video? All these drill rappers do is mock deathnegged for mocking death.
Did you not see the video? All these drill rappers do is mock death
who TF you talking to? You need to @ themAnd they suffer the ultimate consequences.
I understand being intrigued by the culture but what do ya'll get out of mocking young black men dying?
On pulaski with the broskis sippin on some brewskislike Augusta and Pulaski...actually a few blocks west of Pulaski.
Yeah nuski was probably one of the best rappers in the city for the current generation. Not even just for drill.Nuski was nice...killed right before Durk got a deal too...
who TF you talking to? You need to @ them
You didn't see me doing any mocking.
I’m weakWhoski?