Are you white or mixed?It's my birthday today! Ya girl turned 21 and mannnnnn yall it was the greatest weekend of my life! (I'm exhausted though just wanna sleep)
Lol but before I knock out, here's a pic... mask off this time
Damn...filters fukking up the game. Don't know if I'm dapping a lady, tranny or comic character
you thought she would reply to you huh simp ass nikka.
@Queen NefertitiOn another note I see a particular poster who has her thighbrow while on her bed for an avatar .
Not even tagging her lmao.
I was hoping it would be @Dwolf to tag her to be honest, that's his MO .
Are you white or mixed?
You bout to have a certain coli nikka in loveSquare up breh
Lol but no I'm black; mom's Ethiopian, dad's Eritrean
nice comboSquare up breh
Lol but no I'm black; mom's Ethiopian, dad's Eritrean
You bout to have a certain coli nikka in love
nice combo
i just wasn't sure by that pic...
looks like you have pretty eyes btw
no love on the coli this place too crazy for that (a good crazy though)
I gotcha, I was at my friend's place and there's like 6 ceiling bulbs that only hit certain areas of the room, probably wasn't the best lighting for a pic
oh and thank you! I gotta love & hate relationship with my eyes I used to get so many "she can gaze into the future" jokes when I was younger