Women in Texas testify about the trauma caused by the Texas abortion laws forcing them to carry pregnancies with complications to term

Justin Nitsuj

Jan 23, 2018
Dallas, TX
You know, at one point, white women were the ones getting abortions illegally at a high rate. But when they made abortions legal, that's when they turn their focus on getting black women to have abortions. All that Planned Parenthood bullshyt they put in our community and some of these lost black women going to these places to kill their unborn babies. And they go on social media, bragging and celebrating having abortions like that's a good thing. And you wanna know the crazy part about it? They put all this shyt in our neighborhoods for population control, but our numbers are still growing while theirs are steady decreasing.


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush

NEW: Abortion bans are fueling domestic violence in Texas.

The leading cause of death for pregnant women is homicide, often by an abusive partner with a gun. And Texas is forcing victims to stay pregnant, while making it easier for abusers to get guns.

I've covered policy impacts on domestic violence victims for years, and when Roe fell I wondered how abortion bans would effect victims especially since pregnancy is such a dangerous time for them.

After months of reporting, experts tell me initial research shows that DV reports are increasing nationally but we're likely seeing it play out first in Texas.

For a couple of reasons:

1) TX was the first to severely restrict abortion in 2021, forcing women to stay pregnant nearly a year before Roe fell.

2) This exposed DV victims to more violence with fewer ways to escape because pregnancy is an extremely dangerous time for victims.

Pregnant+postpartum women are more than twice as likely to be murdered than to die from sepsis, hypertensive disorders or hemorrhage.

3) TX has the largest rate of gun sales in the country and continues to have lax firearm restrictions.

The state is so firearm friendly that gun rights groups chose it as the testing ground for a SCOTUS case that will determine if domestic abusers get to keep their guns.

In the last decade, the amount of women shot + killed by an abuser has nearly doubled in Texas.

If SCOTUS sides with gun groups, "lives will be lost,"
@ndvh 's Crystal Justice told me.

4) The shelters & nonprofits trying to help DV victims navigate this new landscape are put in an impossible bind.

Many are funded by the very institution that enacted + enforces the abortion ban: the state of Texas.

Survivors + advocacy workers tell me they're terrified that this new normal will lead to more dead women in Texas.

Read more here: How Texas Created A Deadly New Normal For Domestic Violence Victims

One in three women are in abused in Texas. And the majority of those women in abusive relationships are raped by their partners to get them pregnant and keep them in the relationship.

Live in Texas brehettes

I will say this tho… Ted Cruz bout to get bushed come November.. When they say a political earthquake that’s what they mean will happen.. You already see it in deep red Alabama where a Democrat just won a start congressional seat in Huntsville… Spooky hours for the gop..


Nov 1, 2015




Texas GOP Meets Group Suggesting Death Penalty for Women Who Seek Abortions​

Story by Khaleda Rahman

• 2d • 3 min read

Demonstrators rally against anti-abortion and voter suppression laws at the Texas State Capitol on October 2, 2021 in Austin, Texas.

Demonstrators rally against anti-abortion and voter suppression laws at the Texas State Capitol on October 2, 2021 in Austin, Texas.© Montinique Monroe/Getty Images

Texas Democrats have released a leaked video, saying it shows Texas Republicans supporting the death penalty for women who seek abortions at a meeting held by an anti-abortion group.

The video shows Hood County Constable Scott London, Hood County GOP Chair Steve Biggers and Hood County GOP Chair candidate Greg Harrell attending a meeting held by Abolish Abortion Texas (AATX) in Granbury in January, according to a news release from the Texas Democratic Party.

Newsweek has contacted London, Biggers, Harrell and the Texas Republican Party for comment via email. AATX has been contacted through a contact form on its website.

The video, which was originally streamed on Facebook, was obtained by Hood County Democrats Chair Adrienne Quinn Martin.

"If you want to know where the 'pro-life' movement is headed, watch this," Martin wrote on X, formerly Twitter, alongside a seven-minute video consisting of clips from the meeting.

"Many of our elected officials were in attendance. Including school board, constables and at least one county commissioner. Not one person pushes back or questions an agenda that advocates women possibly receiving the death penalty for abortion, including pregnant minors."

Texas is among 14 states that have banned abortion in almost all circumstances since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. In Texas, doctors who provide an abortion can face criminal charges that carry penalties of up to life in prison. They can also face lawsuits from private citizens, who are empowered to sue a person who helps a woman obtain an abortion. The laws do not threaten the mother with any legal consequences.

The video appears to show Paul Brown, the director of policy for AATX, saying the group wants women who have abortions to be prosecuted for murder. Newsweek has not independently verified the video of the event.

"Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life," he said, per the video. "The same penalty for harming or killing a born person is also imposed by God in his law for killing a preborn person."

At another point in the video, he said: "If someone came in here and murdered one of people here, they should be charged with murder. We simply take the exception that currently exists under the Texas penal code that defines murder and then says abortion is not murder, we removed that."

He said women who seek abortions are "real human beings," but that "their lives don't matter more than the babies they are killing."

Several audience members also suggested that pregnant women and doctors who perform abortions should be "held accountable" to the highest extent of the law, according to Texas Democrats.

Brown is heard saying the AATX is against emergency contraception like the Plan B pill, saying that it is used "to terminate or kill a baby prior to implantation—that is an abortion."

He said that IVF should also be considered a form of abortion, saying that those who destroy fertilized eggs are "terminating or destroying a human life."

He said the group would also "never endorse or be OK with abortions in the instance of incest or rape."

Addressing concerns about prosecuting women who seek abortions, Brown said: "No, I don't want any women to have abortions. And the good news is that when you treat abortion like murder, that we should expect it to decrease significantly."

Touting AATX's support of a number of candidates this election season, Brown added: "We have a whole bunch of candidates who are running today who have expressed their willingness to sign on to abolition [of abortion] as well. I am very excited about the upcoming session."

In a statement, Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa said: "The fact that Texas Republicans are meeting with people willing to send pregnant women and doctors to Death Row should terrify every person in Texas.

"Make no mistake: Texas Republicans will strip women of their basic healthcare rights and will not stop at just banning abortion. They will punish women and doctors for seeking and performing basic health care, they will ban IVF and they will create a hostile and inhumane state. All of these candidates should be ashamed of themselves. This isn't Texas, but this is the Republican party of Texas."


Nov 1, 2015


Texas GOP Faces Backlash Over Meeting Endorsing Death Penalty for Abortion​

Story by Jacob Miller

• 12h • 2 min read

At a recent Texas GOP meeting, a group advocating for the death penalty for women who have abortions stirred controversy and drew sharp criticism, reflecting the ongoing intense debate over abortion rights in the state. Leaked video footage from a meeting held by Abolish Abortion Texas (AATX) in Granbury, Texas, showcased attendees, including Hood County GOP officials, endorsing extreme measures against abortion and In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) procedures. This development has reignited concerns over the direction of abortion legislation in Texas.

Paul Brown, the Director of Policy for AATX, was seen in the video characterizing IVF as a form of abortion, equating the destruction of a fertilized egg to murder. “Their lives [women] don’t matter any more than the babies’ they are killing,” Brown stated, further indicating the group’s opposition to all forms of contraception, including emergency contraception pill Plan B.

Several audience members at the event, hosted by Monica Brown, noted for her book ban attempts, suggested that women and doctors involved in abortion should be “held accountable” to the fullest extent of the law. This rhetoric represents a concerning turn in the anti-abortion movement in Texas, potentially influencing future legislative efforts.

AATX has endorsed a slate of candidates running for the Texas State House, indicative of the strong anti-abortion stance embraced by sections of the Texas GOP. Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa responded with alarm, stating, “The fact that Texas Republicans are meeting with people willing to send pregnant women and doctors to Death Row should terrify every person in Texas.”

Meanwhile, Republican Party of Texas has listed the abolition of abortion as a priority, seeking legislative action to recognize the rights of unborn children at every gestation stage. This push aligns with the intense advocacy for stringent anti-abortion measures within the state.

In contrast, South Carolina’s legislative efforts to impose severe anti-abortion proposals have faced setbacks. Nine GOP co-sponsors withdrew their support from a bill that sought to apply homicide laws to people who undergo abortions, revealing hesitation among legislators to support extreme criminal penalties for abortion.

Rep. Matt Leber, initially a supporter of the South Carolina bill, reversed his stance, emphasizing his unwillingness to criminalize women. “In its current form, I cannot keep my name on it,” Leber stated. Rep. Brandon Guffey, another former co-sponsor, echoed the sentiment, stating, “I don’t believe that a woman should be murdered for having an abortion.”

The South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act aimed to grant unborn children equal protection under homicide laws, potentially categorizing abortion as a capital offense. However, the withdrawal of support and Senate Majority Leader Shane Massey’s assertion that the