The DL women do exist...
Bisexual and lesbian women do exist...
Women who, wouldn't date or sleep with another woman in their "normal" life, but would for a celebrity "crush" or the right kinda woman, do exist. This specific type of woman don't consider herself gay, or bi, because this specific type of woman wouldn't just fukk with women and justifies her rare attraction to a woman as a one-off...
Women who are voluntarily "experimental" exist. Some say they bi, some don't...
Women who are raped by men or women exist. Some go gay or bi, some don't...
And guess what? Straight, hetero women exist too. I do think it's fair to say that a lot of women are bisexual. It's hard to quantify the number as a percentage, but the girls who don't date women but would let that one specific woman or celeb get it? Sis is bi. The women who do gay shyt when inebriated, but not when sober? Sis is bi. The women who are "gay for play", but wouldn't necessarily sleep with women in their regular life? She bi too...
So there are a ton of bisexual women. A whole bunch. You can find studies of varying numbers so I wouldn't go off just one source, but my personal experience?
Probably 40-45% of the women I've dated or slept with, admittedly had slept with or dated a woman before. Special note,
all of these women don't and didn't consider themselves bisexual or lesbian. Take my youngest daughter's mom as an example. She's voluntarily let a chick eat her out before. She's never exclusively dated a woman, but she has a female celeb crush and there was once a girl she knew, not a friend just some chick she knew, who she said she'd fukk the shyt out of (she actually said "I'd fukk the shyt out that bytch")
All these things are true about her but she doesn't consider herself bi, her specific answer to that question is "no". And just being fair, she does exclusively date men, she's never dated a woman, she loves dikk.

I consider her bi but she doesn't self-identify that way...
So this isn't scientific and I have no way to poll every woman alive, but I do think 40-45% sounds like a reasonable number of openly bisexual women...
The percentage of exclusively lesbian women would obviously be much smaller. But my point is, it would be unfair to say that all women like women. I did used to think this, and you never know what a mf thinks in their head or does in their private time----you don't actually know that every guy saying he's straight is straight, either....
So if you are close enough to people and watch their behaviors, I think you gotta trust what you see until proven otherwise. Otherwise the same way some guys say all women are gay, you could say the same thing about men...
So I believe there are straight women, truly hetero, probably around the same percentage of bi women (40-45%). Just a guess, but you talk to enough women, be around, date, sleep with enough, there are some that are truly repulsed at the thought of another woman touching them sexually, or doing anything gay. There are plenty of women who self identify as straight who, unlike my BM #2, have never done any gay shyt. So I take them at they word if I have no reason to believe otherwise...
I have no reason to believe every woman is attracted to women but I do think many are, I'd say 50% isn't far fetched. But it's not even logical to say "every woman likes girls"...
@HarlemHottie @Gloxina yall are women, been women your whole lives, I'd trust your take on this more than any men. If you had to throw an unscientific but educated guess, having Bern around women forever and being women yourselves, what percentage of Black women do you think are lesbian, straight, or bi?
Also do you think there's any truth to the idea that black women are more prone to gay shyt than other races of women?