Women complains about how DL women befriend them Wanting Something Else


High Value Poster
Jul 18, 2018
I remember a while back there was a tik tok trend of girls just up and kissing their female friends that they had a crush on, and filming it.

Had me like :dwillhuh:
Drop some links


Jan 4, 2017
that's true

but it's still the same ratio i mentioned

one or two lil freaked out broads in the group pressing the rest & they just get looped up

they ain't really gay they just easy to fold

nikkas got porn brain though they can't fathom most women don't like coochie for real

just go off your own experience out of all the women you know intimately how many were really hunting for box¿

real deal would wash their face in a broad lap¿

the little fake tongue touch softcore contact broads might pull off in a gangsta party tells the whole story

they just be going with the motions doing what they think i think might be sexy but when i give real directions very few will go at it with their whole heart naturally


Nah... Fam. I'm being dead ass.
Like I feel like I've been doing social experiments dealing with all these chix. Having the same convos with them. And they saying the same things.
After awhile u realize that all this chix are the same, most people are the same... But they think they are different.

The majority of women are attracted to other women. The majority of women dress up sexy and do things for the approval of other women.

There's studies that show most women watch lesbian porn the most.
And women get aroused more by the sound of women moaning while having sex.

Most straight Women aren't hunting for box but they aren't against letting a female they think is pretty eat their p*ssy.
And they aren't against putting themselves in situations where a woman could eat their cooch... I.e. having lesbian friends.

Every woman u know, has a celebrity female that she would let lick her. I'm being dead serious.

I'll go even further..this sht is one of the reasons I stopped caring about having 3sums and sht.
It became too easy.
Back in the day it felt like it was kind of a challenge. But then u realize these bytches and they friends already be with the shts. they just be waiting for the nikka and opportunity.
It made them situations corny to me....
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May 7, 2012
Harlem, Uganda
I witnessed this in real life back in the days

I was kicking it with a group of girls, I noticed one of the girls was too 'touchy' and 'playful'.
my suspicion was confirmed when the girl with biggest booty got up to use the restroom and she looked at her ass like a JBO coli breh
and proceeded to follow her to the bathroom

them down low women are just as pervy and lustful as creepy men


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
Nah... Fam. I'm being dead ass.
Like I feel like I've been doing social experiments dealing with all these chix. Having the same convos with them. And they saying the same things.
After awhile u realize that all this chix are the same, most people are the same... But they think they are different.

The majority of women are attracted to other women. The majority of women dress up sexy and do things for the approval of other women.

There's studies that show most women watch lesbian porn the most.
And women get aroused more by the sound of women moaning while having sex.

Most straight Women aren't hunting for box but they aren't against letting a female they think is pretty eat their p*ssy.
And they aren't against putting themselves in situations where a woman could eat their cooch... I.e. having lesbian friends.

Every woman u know, has a celebrity female that she would let lick her. I'm being dead serious.

I'll go even further..this sht is one of the reasons I stopped caring about having 3sums and sht.
It became too easy.
Back in the day it felt like it was kind of a challenge. But then u realize these bytches and they friends already be with the shts. they just be waiting for the nikka and opportunity.
It made them situations corny to me....
bytches is bytches

bytches are bred in a specific way

but actual women nah that's been a different experience for me

the difference between women actually worth time & the ones that have fallen victim to unfortunate circumstances

this has been a recurring convo since school days
& a lot of dudes(& dykes) will insist all women are secretly fagging even when most women are straight faced saying they really don't like p*ssy

some listen some press on & you end up with some broads playing fake gay

that's why those situations be corny because they aren't authentic

birds get used to taking direction like it's a porno

they are not in tune with what they really enjoy they are performing in a way they believe will please their audience

even the ass shaking p*ssy popping bytches who put on like they're the gayest but can't get a authentic reaction when it's time

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Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Ain't no DL sht.
Most bytches will definitely let a female eat her. Some will actually eat some p*ssy
And all females are alil lezbo

they do a lot just off pressure

fake gay don't like cat for real but don't know how not to fall in with peer pressure

a few ronnies turning out a bunch of diamonds & ebony's


You have to look pass the physical and gender aspect. Its the ENERGY!

Certain women have a masculine/alpha energy,and thats going to attract alot of women regardless of the shell that its in. Youll have women confused because they become attracted to a woman,when they usually arent. This is how you see so many women "fake dykin". They were attracted to a certain woman and think that made them lesbians. Not realizing it was the energy,and its not an energy thats prevelant among women. So they cant be a good lesbian because the energy they were actually attracted to isnt common enough in women in general,letalong only lesbians.

Its the same reason you can ignite something in a hardcore,mustache having stud. They might not like men,but when they come across that same energy im talking about,they go for it too. And the energy im referencing isnt just the "masculine energy" many lesbians cosplay with. It really cant be emmulated,even among men.

Plus its simply a womans nature to be more fluid. Probably for polygamy purposes. They can be convinced by the right man or woman they are with that type of behavior. This is why "lesbianism" is okay,but homosexuality is not. "Lesbianism" is a part of a womans nature:respect:
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