Try again, Jack. My grandmamas best friend was raped by 3 guys while walking home. They tried to hollar at her and she foolishly told them 'go home'. They spit on her then raped her. Now for you sorry ass men's rights activists,
"What if she would've just told them..sorry not interested?"
They still would have raped her. They were looking for trouble that night hanging outside the slums of Petrell (don't know how to spell it) Hill in SF.
"What if she would've just engaged them and enjoyed herself and stopped being stuck up?"
They still would've raped her.
Why can't SOME (and I have nothing but the upmost respect for my men that are intelligent enough to put themselves in woman's shoes and realize this is not men that are not blinded by stupidity and are able to empathize due to their relationships with their female partner or female makes me want to cry cuz you guys don't know how valuable you are in a world where women are constant targets by wild's the greatest feeling ever knowing someone with power and strength is looking after you on this earth) men accept the fact, there are situations were a woman cannot be blamed?
It's ok to call a man out for being wrong w/o saying BUT women shouldn't..try it..its free
We women call other women out on their bullshyt all the time.