Woman finds out her family photo is being used in hospitals in Kenya


Jan 4, 2017
How much money are you willing to expend to not only hire international bussiness lawyers in the US, but alsoAfrican ones? How much for IP lawyers? How much on interpreters? How much will you spend to convince your embassy to give a damn about your baby pictures? How many african govt officials will you bribe to even find the dude who made the decision to put the picture up in the first place?:ld:

In the end its not worth it. That woman could literally spend tens of thousands of dollars to only get few grand back from them. And that child could be a grown woman by the time the payout gets cleared-to her parents.

@mag357 , have you been to the continent yet? Ive been to 6 nations out there and i came from fcking Egypt 2wks ago and i can tell you dealing with these 3rd world govts is the same everywhere. Sht is unnecessarily slow and expensive. I literally cannnot tell you how much "tip" (bribe) money i had to spend just to get a single document from a single Egyptian govt office to fly back to the US, and their beauracracy was honestly more streamlined than most subsaharan african countries; so i dont wanna imagine what kenya and nigeria will do to her.:francis:

2 continents myself...but I personally don't care about travel... It's overrated to me...
And yes... Simple things are not streamlined...
That's the only issue..
But like I said you can sue the fukk outta anybody. Any where at any time.. some lawyer wants that bread.
And if this is a major company, the payout will be substantial and worth the hassle.

Not every place in Africa is the same.
I been in the bush and Ive been in the city.
She can get a good lawyer and shyt will be ok.


Apr 30, 2012
Why do people post on social media? To get attention. To attract attention.

If they didn’t want random people to see their images, they could’ve made their account private. But they didn’t. 200k followers.

The irony is she labels herself an influencer, then feels some type of way about influencing something :mjlol:

i print out pictures of strangers on facebook and hang them up in my crib.
they are my people now.



May 14, 2012
I would be honored they chose our pic :yeshrug:

You don’t have to try to capitalize on everything.

Stop acting like white folk.


White folk are the ones yoinking people's pictures, ideas, products and trademarking and copywriting them without acknowledging the originators since earth was created.

Fortnite steals people's dances. The creators of the dances don't get compensated.

Republicans were jacking stock photos and random online photos of people and using them in ads, none of those people got compensated or credited. Just had their entire likeness used.

Man, its not even that serious. Treat it as a compliement and move on, shyt is harmless :mjtf:

It's not harmless when someone takes your picture or a video of you without your permission, especially when they get paid for doing a job, and you get no credit or compensation.

That's not volunteer work. Even if she was some sort of model/actress she can't say "oh well, I was used for this company by this agency".

You don't work for free, and you wouldn't. Let your boss tell you to work 5 extra hours a week and tell you it's a compliment he's even asking you.

What’s the difference between this and using a picture for a meme:yeshrug:

Nobody gets paid to create a meme. Someone got paid to make an advertisement. That and people in memes can sign a contract that allows there likeness to be used and they receive money from it. Cats from memes have been on tv shows and in movies been used in tv ads, have shirts and products featuring them.

Why do people post on social media? To get attention. To attract attention.

If they didn’t want random people to see their images, they could’ve made their account private. But they didn’t. 200k followers.

The irony is she labels herself an influencer, then feels some type of way about influencing something :mjlol:

See above.

Would any of y'all like your picture in some random ad saying "We the people support Donald Trump!" Or "We homosexuals demand equal rights!" Or "We black people love Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!"

People using your pics for whatever they want is not ok. It's illegal and if you do it, you can be sued. Likewise if it happens to you, you can sue.
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Miss Jackson if ya nasty
Dec 20, 2017
Why did the first person assume it wasn't a stock photo?

Exactly, gotta be more to the story here. We see photos of people in ads all day long, why did this one throw up a red flag?

They’re a popular black family on social media. Beautiful, black, Christian family with gorgeous, kind babies—granted their base is mostly women so y’all aren’t as familiar with them but the girl likely recognized them and knows they have nothing to do with Kenya. They aren’t models, they’re just a normal family. That’s where the red flag comes in.