Wolf Blitzer asks a woman on CNN if she thanked the Lord during the tornado


All Star
May 28, 2012
Actually one of my best friends is an atheist and he's just like the atheist I describe. I've encountered a ton of atheists who love to preach about their beliefs. But you're different, so good for you!!! *thumbs up*

And you just did what you're claiming what I did: make an assumption. o_O I know self righteous atheists who love to hear themselves preach on the Internet (Coli is full of them) and real life. So don't assume that I don't when one of my best friends is one and I call him out on it often when he gets to preaching his anti God stuff.

Okay so explain to me how "your friend" equals "most". Even if you did know 20 atheists, which I highly doubt, that sample size does not make you anywhere near qualified to speak on how "most" of us behave.

Most atheists aren't Dawkins/Hitchens/Harris, and most atheists aren't like internet trolls. If its wrong to say most Muslims are terrorists, and most Christians are like the Westboro Baptist Church, why is it then okay to group atheists with its most extreme and vocal members???


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
No... they're not. You aren't even aware of most atheists around you. We're not all wearing shirts and yelling out "god isn't real". In most situations, if something about god is brought up, most atheists will stand quietly, or nod and smile just like this lady did. You seem to think the internet is a fair forum to gauge the character of an atheist, and you're a damn fool for that. I'm sure this is probably the only time you really encounter us on a regular basis, but don't be an idiot.


He asked her first and she was just gonna shrug it off like :whoa:

But dude kept pressing and she was like...well...I'm an atheist. :smugbiden:


All Star
May 28, 2012

Emotional :heh:

I'm really honored to know you keep up with my posts enough to psychoanalyze me like that. Fair enough, maybe I could Jane been more cordial in my response, but my assumption happened to be correct. In any random group of 100 people, 10-15 of them won't have a formal god belief. Are 6 of them, in the same situation as this woman going to go on TV and be disrespectful towards the religious? No. Most nonbelievers are apathetic towards religion. Most people in general tend to avoid confrontation all together. Its only when you give people anonymity that they'll be more brazen. Perhaps I should have responded to that poster differently, but the point still stands. And you are a crap mod, thats no knee jerk emotion
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Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
Wolf Blitzer Asks Tornado Survivor if She Thanked the Lord; Replies She's an Atheist - YouTube

...Do you love the lord? :heh:

Religion ain't shyt. :smugdraper:

Wolf stays losing:


CNN's Wolf Blitzer Jeopardy Fail -$4600 - YouTube

:skip: :huhldup:

:dead:at this comment in that video's comment section



Apr 30, 2012
@BarNone is the type of dude who thinks he's defending something noble when in reality he's showing how butt hurt he is that his religion can't stand on its own two.

This is the type of foolishness that stops good discussions on this forum. Where does most of the religious bashing on this forum happen....HL. Who moderates HL....me. How often do I say a thing about.....next to never. See how facts stifle this nonsense. I think you have me confused with someone else. That or you're just confused. But let this be my last post in here, I laughed at the irony of one post and I got an entire crazy convention coming out. I'm now embarrassed that I end up aligned with you in a lot of those Booth threads.

Deuces *exits thread confused*


Emotional :heh:

I'm really honored to know you keep up with my posts enough to psychoanalyze me like that. Fair enough, maybe I could Jane been more cordial in my response, but my assumption happened to be correct. In any random group of 100 people, 10-15 of them won't have a formal god belief. Are 6 of them, in the same situation as this woman going to go on TV and be disrespectful towards the religious? No. Most nonbelievers are apathetic towards religion. Most people in general tend to avoid confrontation all together. Its only when you give people anonymity that they'll be more brazen. Perhaps I should have responded to that poster differently, but the point still stands. And you are a crap mod, thats no knee jerk emotion

I love how you admit that I was right, and then try to throw a shot in at the end :dead: The only people who have ever gotten upset at anything I moderate are atheists, I wonder why. :beli:

But you know what, I will apologize for one thing, I thought you were Napoleon the OP, I mixed up your two names. So I got that wrong. He's the guy I was thought I was responding to, so you can ignore the emotional shyt, but as you can see above, he has red bars for a reason. Don't go proving my false analysis right though :dead: BTW, you still failed to prove your point with anything besides your opinion (an opinion I think is largely correct BTW), but I guess the logic of what I said to you went over the head. I guess I'm a "crap communicator" too :pachaha:
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

This is the type of foolishness that stops good discussions on this forum. Where does most of the religious bashing on this forum happen....HL. Who moderates HL....me. How often do I say a thing about.....next to never. See how facts stifle this nonsense. I think you have me confused with someone else. That or you're just confused. But let this be my last post in here, I laughed at the irony of one post and I got an entire crazy convention coming out. I'm now embarrassed that I end up aligned with you in a lot of those Booth threads.

Deuces *exits thread confused*

Go pray about it. :lolbron: :heh:

I'm not arguing with someone who can't see the irony in defending bronze-age fairy tales. :rudy:

I'm looking down on you FOR being Christian. I'm sure you're a nice person otherwise...:ld:

but in this debate...

You lose. :win::bustback:


All Star
May 28, 2012
This is the type of foolishness that stops good discussions on this forum. Where does most of the religious bashing on this forum happen....HL. Who moderates HL....me. How often do I sa a thing about.....next to never. See how facts stifle this nonsense. I think you have me confused with someone else. That or you're just confused. But let this be my last post in here, I laughed at the irony of one post and I got an entire crazy convention coming out. I'm now embarrassed that I end up aligned with you in a lot of those Booth threads. andexits thread confused*

I love how you admit that I was right, and then try to throw a shot in at the end :dead: The only people who have ever gotten upset at anything I moderate are atheists, I wonder why. :beli:

But you know what, I will apologize for one thing, I thought you were Napoleon the OP, I mixed up your two names. So I got that wrong. He's the guy I was thought I was responding to, so you can ignore the emotional shyt, but as you can see above, he has red bars for a reason. Don't go proving my false analysis right though :dead: BTW, you still failed to prove your point with anything besides your opinion (an opinion I think is largely correct BTW), but I guess the logic of what I said to you went over the head. I guess I'm a "crap communicator" too :pachaha:

Sure, I can admit when you're right. I made an assumption about that man, but it was very likely tobe accurate. Most Americans don't have a lot of interaction with atheists. They're a hard group to point out. Most people are rather quiet about religious beliefs or the lack thereof. So, I guessed that most of his experience was based on anonymous internet atheists. I suspect that would be the case with most Americans, not just that poster. Sure, I have nothing concrete, but I'm not pulling the opinion out of nowhere. Its just an observation on human nature, and I think a reasonable one to.make.


Apr 30, 2012
Sure, I can admit when you're right. I made an assumption about that man, but it was very likely tobe accurate. Most Americans don't have a lot of interaction with atheists. They're a hard group to point out. Most people are rather quiet about religious beliefs or the lack thereof. So, I guessed that most of his experience was based on anonymous internet atheists. I suspect that would be the case with most Americans, not just that poster. Sure, I have nothing concrete, but I'm not pulling the opinion out of nowhere. Its just an observation on human nature, and I think a reasonable one to.make.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with your opinion, and it's one that's impossible to quantify. I was just talking about the presentation. Sometimes all you have to go on is anecdotes. I don't know about agnostics and atheists being all that quiet these days though. A large contigent of my friends are and were in college, and they all have under religious status on facebook, etc. They're only quiet when they're around older religious people (or other black people...but that's another thing entirely). But again, all we can do is speculate. This is relatively pointless argument which I didn't expect to be drawn into based on a laugh. It's over :salute:


May 2, 2012
Southern California
She handled the question great. Most atheists are self righteous dikks and are just as bad as bible thumpers. She clarified her stance to Wolf and showed respect to people who do believe. Good for her. More people should take her approach rather than the "LOL YOU BELIEVE IN GOD? YOU FOOL" or "YOU BETTER CHANGE YOUR WAYS OR THE LORD WILL NOT OPEN THE GATES FOR YOU!" types.

I wouldn't say "most" but you're describing "anti-theists." I think there's a very clear distinction between them and regular atheists. They, along with religious zealots are basically two sides of the same coin. I don't have patience for either.