Death=a return to the source,which=growth. Once you understand the universe is electricity and we are in a loop. Think of life like a circuit,you enter life from the source. You go through resistence same way electrons do in a circuit. The resistence makes you stronger and you eventually complete your path back into the source when you die. You've now returned to the source with greater knowledge,greater strength,you've been through a gauntlet. For those of you who like anime,God is basically on his Goku making himself stronger and stronger by living,fighting and dying over and over again. He does that through you as a human,he does it through nature,the stars etc. We are in a loop,this world as we know it will die and the people who reinhabit it will have greater knowledge,greater strength based on them being a reboot of our consciousness of sorts. You can observe it in nature,there is a beauty god sees in breakdown and the rebuilding process. Theres a reason the people who go through the most resistence are the chosen people