I put my little nephew on to wrestling he forgets it even on Monday and Tuesday a lots of times and by the time he remember sometimes the shows is midway thru or he missing it entirely. He doesn’t care for women/girl wrestling the last I remember.
He liked guys like Big Cass and Enzo and Roman and didn’t like the new day.
His bed time is like 9 o clock now before it used to be 10 so he could watch at least an hour and a half before getting ready for bed now it’s 9 so he starts getting ready for bed around 8:30 so he is lucky if he can watch an hour.
When I had him watch some attitude era stuff and he was like this is old and didn’t care for it a lot because most kids have very short attention spans and can be very hot and cold about things.
That why it makes no sense to me to gear a product such as wrestling toward kids and making in some wholesome family friendly experience.
Kids have no real buying power it’s the parents/adult who have the buying power. This isn’t some kid cartoon it wrestling its post to be gritty and mean but we have be a star campaign and let’s not curse or not be to violent to offend anyone.
They use that as an excuse for their laziness. "It's for kids, that's why it's different." They think kids will watch anything and don't have the ability to know what they like and dislike. Even when I was younger, I knew what made the product interesting to me and what didn't. In 2018, there are kids shows that have more grit, more interesting characters, and better story structure than the WWE right now.
Look at some of the best kids shows ever made. They weren't writing for children, they were writing for mass audiences and they were able to get people from all ages watching. That's how the company used to be and should be.