Red Teal
> Green Teal

Are you talking bout the ones they brought out last year with the teal/blue lightning bolt? Those up there as one of my favorites. They better not be taking those away to bring these shyts backRed Teal> Green Teal
Born in 88. Became a real Piston fan during Grant Hill era. Nostalgia more than anything. Always thought the red white blue jerseys were blandYou liked them shyts? Damn near everybody I knew when they debuted originally hated them, including me. It has nothing to do with how shytty the team ending up being after wearing these, like a lot of local media keeps implying. It's just a horrible mesh of colors and design that doesn't work well at all. What I've noticed is it's almost strictly a generational thing, where only the 20 something's seem to be big fans of these and were calling for them to be brought back. Must be a nostalgia thing for when they first started watching the team.
But I won't trip too much since it's only gonna be a handful of games that they're worn. If the young boys ball out in them then sign me up. I just won't buy any gear with that scheme.
We need the red alternates back instead of tealThose were the worst unis ever. People were glad when those got ditched and the classic colors and a logo that looked like the classic was brought back.
Makes sense. That fits exactly with what I see as far as fans off those jerseys and the overall style change of jersey design during that period. To me the red white and blue is just classic and making a complete color change was like seeing the Packers, Celtics, or Bulls getting rid of their look and identity. I don't mind it as a every once in a while secondary thing. Only issue is those colors ugly as fukk together. I have no idea how they came up with that color scheme. I'm glad they actually made their runs and won it all back in the traditional colors. Would have hated having to constantly see glory years in the Terry "Sugar" Mills specials.Born in 88. Became a real Piston fan during Grant Hill era. Nostalgia more than anything. Always thought the red white blue jerseys were bland
Cade said wat upOh hell naw!!![]()
Blade Icewood local rapper from back in the day. Cade and Blade rhymes so it stuck plus he had Cartier’s on when he got drafted which is a Detroit staple.Pistons fans have a lot to be excited for. Happy for y’all. Where does the name Cade Icewood come from?